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Published byВлајко Топаловић Modified over 6 years ago
m1 VIBRATIONAL THEORY p.55 bonds ~ springs E = ½ kx2 m2 x is + or -
C H E = ½ kx2 m1 m2 x is + or - x2 is +
Graph ½ kx2 gives a parabola
for a SHO k = force constant m = reduced mass m(CH) = 12/13 = 0.923
p. 55 for a SHO k = force constant m = reduced mass m(CH) = 12/13 = 0.923 m(OH) = 16/17 = 0.941 O------H C------H 3000cm-1 3400 cm-1 when m1 is very large, m does not change much however n(OH) > n(CH) so k(OH) > k(CH)
However, if the light element is different: p. 56
C----H C-----D 1 2 = 0.92 = 1.7 k’s are same or nCH (0.92/1.7)1/2 = 2200 cm-1 Huge difference
only one fundamental frequency
A spring (SHO) has all energies possible, MOLECULES DO NOT p. 57 Ev = (v + ½)hn only one fundamental frequency (spacings equal, hn)
normally, only a one level jump allowed p. 57
hot lines, overtones weak in IR, only lowest level is populated
REAL MOLECULES: Not a simple parabola!
Dissociation energy Ev ≈ (v + ½)hno v=3 E3 = 7/2 hno - a ‘bit’ more v=2 E2 = 5/2 hno - a ‘bit’ hot line, n<no n<2no E0→E2 1st overtone v=1 E1 = 3/2 hno fundamental frequency of vibration, DE = hno v=0 Eo = 1/2 hno ground vibrational state Internuclear separation r average bond length o
so in CO n0 = 2143 cm-1, n1 = 4250 cm-1 not 4286 cm-1
p. 59 so in CO n0 = 2143 cm-1, n1 = 4250 cm-1 not 4286 cm-1 Reminder: Intensity of band depends on change in dipole during stretch or bend
Polyatomics X-----Y has one stretching vibration ONLY
What about X---Y---Z ? Separate atoms EACH need an x, y, z co-ordinate So N atoms require 3N coordinates to specify position BUT not all movements of atoms in space correspond to a vibration: 3 possible translations along x, y or z AND 3 possible rotations around x, y and z do NOT change the relative positions of the atoms
In general, if molecule has N atoms
there are only 3N-6 possible fundamental vibrations [3N-5 if molecule is linear] p. 59/60 look at this one
During the vibration, the bond dipole changes
- + but it is the VECTOR SUM that is important, If this changes during vibration = IR active
Structure is ‘hairy’ due to rotational fine structure:
p. 60 3750 asym 3650 sym 1600 bend (overlapping) Structure is ‘hairy’ due to rotational fine structure: more on this shortly
CO2 p. 61 Dm = 0 Dm = 0 Dm = 0
p. 61 CO2
p. 62 SUMMARY Reduced mass effect: Force constant effect:
M-F M-Cl M-Br M-I where Metal is more massive, e.g. Sn, Pb
(1) C≡X C=X C-X X=C,O,N ~2200 cm-1 ~1650 cm-1 ~1100 cm-1 (2) C-F C-Cl C-Br C-I 1050 cm cm cm cm-1 M-F M-Cl M-Br M-I where Metal is more massive, e.g. Sn, Pb 600 cm cm cm cm-1 From these, you can predict many others!
Problem: POCl3 shows IR bands at 1290, 582, 486, & 267 cm-1 Cl
Cl > O, so P-O > P-Cl, so P-O is likely the highest = 1290 (plus P-O has some double bond character) O=P Cl Cl stretches > bends asym str > sym str 582 = asym str; 486 sym str; 267 is a bend Note: 3N-6 = 9, so there are 5 other fundamentals *** not always obvious what these are, i.e. Raman (IR inactive) or degenerate or combination bands
Methane, CH4 likewise only shows 4 bands
p. 63 Methane, CH4 likewise only shows 4 bands but has 9 {3N-6} fundamentals (others degenerate) sym str if atoms same NOT IR active dipoles cancel sym bend NOT IR active bend IR ACTIVE asym str always IR active 3020 cm-1 2914 (Raman) 1520 (Raman) 1305
p. 63 3020 cm-1 2914 (Raman) 1520 (Raman) 1305
Vibrational Mode Assignments Manual pages 65-68 Tabulated for
Many Common Geometries Manual pages 65-68
ROTATIONAL LINES: the hairy bits
p. 63 ROTATIONAL LINES: the hairy bits 3020 cm-1 is n0 but many lines caused by many rotational energy levels, much closer spaced than vibrational levels
p. 69 Compared to stretching the bond, rotation around the bond axes takes relatively little energy
B = constant for a particular bond
From quantum mechanics I = Moment of inertia I = mr2 = reduced mass = m1m2 /(m1+m2) B = constant for a particular bond note: E = hc/l
Rotational energy level spacing increases with J
Erot = B J (J+1) J = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,.... J=0, E0=0 J=1, E1=2B J=2, E2=6B J=3, E3=12B DE = 8B DE = 6B DE = 4B DE = 2B J0→J1 J1→J2 J2→J3 J3→J4 Rotational energy level spacing increases with J
In spectrum of CO, lines are equally spaced
Notes: Missing ‘middle’ Right side slightly larger ‘grass’ due to 13C
p. 71 C O r Spacing can give r
p. 71 Why this shape?
p. 72
R Branch – high energy side
P Branch R Branch – high energy side p. 71
Why the difference in intensities? Energy levels are Boltzmann
p. 71 Why the difference in intensities? Energy levels are Boltzmann distributed more molecules in lower energy levels But also, level J has a degeneracy of 2J+1 (from quantum) 2J+1 sum up = 1 J
p. 71 Real molecules: as bond stretches, r increases so I = mr2, increases and B decreases: spacing (2B) decreases as go to higher J as I gets large (in large molecules), B and hence spacing gets smaller and smaller, so only see rotational lines for small molecules In larger molecules, there is an I value for each axis (x, y, z) giving rise to 3 sets of overlapping rotational lines
When we see the Q (middle) branch:
Summary: Rotational fine structure
During vibrational transitions, changes in rotational state can also occur Rotational state changes have a selection rule ΔJ = ± 1 or ΔJ = 0, ±1 depending on molecular symmetry and type of vibration Rotational levels are spaced increasingly far apart according to E = B(J)(J+1) Many J levels are occupied at room temperature and the number of equal energy levels (the degeneracy) of a given J is actually 2J+1 Thus transition V=0 to V=1 is accompanied by a change in J but since there are many starting J states occupied, you get an equally spaced progression of absorptions to the higher energy side (R branch) if ΔJ = +1, to the lower energy side (P branch) if ΔJ = -1 and right at the fundamental frequency ν0 (Q branch) if ΔJ = 0 The Q branch will NOT be observed if the vibration is along the principle axis of rotation (bond axis) of a linear molecule
Group frequencies used less, e.g. P=O ~ cm-1 GEOMETRY information from IR, consider the following: Hg Symmetric stretch is only IR active if bent Cl----Hg----Cl Cl Cl Active in IR Inactive in IR In fact we find: 413 (IR, asym stretch), 360 (Raman, sym stretch), 70 (bend) so this suggests the molecule is linear
p. 75 Raman only manual, p 75
Structure of complexes
p. 77 METAL CARBONYLS n0 (CO) = 2143 cm-1, but Cr(CO)6 has 2100, 2000, 1985 cm-1 : empty full : s-bonding orbital Donates electron density to metal … BUT
empty antibonding (pp*) filled dp
puts electron density back on carbon because this electron density is in an antibonding orbital, bond weakens, frequency decreases
sometimes, CO can bridge two metals then n ~ 1850 cm-1
p. 78 2100 – 2000 typically sometimes, CO can bridge two metals then n ~ 1850 cm-1
p. 78 bridging CO terminal CO
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