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Animals Xue Xiao Mei 3 love (15).

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Presentation on theme: "Animals Xue Xiao Mei 3 love (15)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animals Xue Xiao Mei 3 love (15)

2 Birds

3 Birds have a beak ,a pair of legs and feathers.

4 Birds lay eggs.

5 Birds have a pair of wings and most can fly.

6 Fish

7 Fish live in water and most have an outer covering of scales.

8 Fish have fins for swimming and gills for breathing.

9 Most lay eggs but some give birth to young.

10 Mammals

11 Mammals have an outer covering of hair.

12 Mammals feed their young with mothers’ milk.

13 Mammals give birth to live young.

14 Insects

15 Insects have three body parts, head , thorax and abdomen .

16 Insects have six legs and a pair of feelers

17 Insects lay eggs for reproduction.

18 Reptiles

19 Reptiles lay eggs and they are cold blooded.

20 Amphibians

21 Amphibians able to live both on land and in water.

22 The END

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