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The Equal Access Series

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1 The Equal Access Series
Teaching Standard English Learners and other Underserved Student Populations Receive: Dr. Hollie’s book and strategies that can be immediately taken back to the classroom! Teachers will be compensated at their x-time hourly rate. This 2 Day Series is designed to enhance practitioner’s knowledge, awareness, and understanding of culturally and linguistically responsive instructional strategies that support more equitable access to academic language and content for Standard English Learners and all other underserved student populations. Central Location: Maya Angelou Community High School 300 East 53rd Street Los Angeles, CA 90011 Day 1: April 25, 2015 Day 2: May 2, 2015 Day 1: 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Dr. Sharroky Hollie (Changing Mindsets) Journey to Responsiveness: Focus on Culture Day 2: & Academic English Mastery Program CLR in the Content Areas Responsive Academic Literacy North Location: Holmes International MS 9351 Paso Robles Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 Day 1: May 2, 2015 Day 2: May 9, 2015 Register on the Learning Zone -> Academic English Mastery Program -> Keyword: Equal Access

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