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Discrete Linear Canonical Transforms An Operator Theory Approach

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Presentation on theme: "Discrete Linear Canonical Transforms An Operator Theory Approach"— Presentation transcript:

1 Discrete Linear Canonical Transforms An Operator Theory Approach
Aykut Koç and Haldun M. Ozaktas 30/06/2018

2 Outline Fractional Fourier Transform (FRT)
Linear Canonical Transforms (LCTs) Previous Definitions Hyperdifferential Operator Theory Based DLCT The Iwasawa Decomposition The Hyperdifferential Forms The Operator Theory based DLCT Properties of Discrete Transform Results & Conclusions

3 Fractional Fourier Transform (FRT)
Generalization to FT Fourier transform: π/2+2nπ Inverse Fourier transform: -π/2+2nπ Parity: –π+2nπ Identity: 2nπ 𝑎𝜋/2 30/06/2018

4 Canonical Transform Change of variables from one set of canonical coordinates to another What is the canonical coordinates? Set of coordinates that can describe a physical system at any given point in time Locates the system within phase space For quantum mechanics: position and momentum Thermodynamics: entropy-temperature, pressure-volume 30/06/2018

5 Linear Canonical Transforms (LCTs)
Given a generic input function f(u), LCT output g(u) is given by where α, β, and γ are LCT parameters 30/06/2018

6 Applications Signal processing [3]
Computational and applied mathematics [5], [6], including fast and efficient optimal filtering [7] radar signal processing [8], [9] speech processing [10] image representation [11] image encryption and watermarking [12], [13], [14] LCTs have also been extensively studied for their applications in optics [2], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], electromagnetics, and classical and quantum mechanics [3], [1], [21], [22]. 30/06/2018

7 Previous Approaches 1) Computational Approach
Rely on sampling Two sub-classes: Methods that directly convert the LCT integral to a summation, [55], [56], [57], [58] Decomposing into more elemantary building blocks, [59], [60], [61], [23], [62]. 2) Defining a DLCT and then directly use it, [63], [64], [65], [66], [67], [68], [69], [70]. No single definition has been widely established 30/06/2018

8 Fast FRT Algorithm Objective: to get O(NlogN) algorithms
Divide and Conquer FRT can be put in the form: Then, This form is a Chirp Multiplication + Chirp Convolution + Chirp Multiplication 12/13/2017

9 Fast LCT Algorithm Iwasawa Decomposition – Again Divide and Conquer
Chirp Multiplication Scaling FRT 12/13/2017

10 Linear Canonical Tranform – Special Cases
Scaling FRT Chirp Multip. 30/06/2018

11 The Iwasawa Decomposition

12 The Hyperdifferential Forms
where DUALITY! 30/06/2018

13 The Operator Theory based DLCT
Discrete Manifestation of Iwasawa Dec. Discrete Manifestation of Operators 30/06/2018

14 The Operator Theory based DLCT
DLCT Output: 30/06/2018

15 Challenge: Deriving U and D

16 Challenge: Deriving U and D
We turn our attention to the task of defining U_h. It is tempting to define the discrete version of U by simply forming a diagonal matrix with the diagonal entries being equal to the coordinate values. However, it violates the duality and elagance of our approach. We pursue a similar approach in deriving U_h to the one in D_h 30/06/2018

17 Challenge: Deriving U and D

18 Properties of a Discrete Transform
Unitarity Preservation of Group Structure Concatenation Property Reversibility (Special case of above) Satisfactory approximation of continuous transform However, a theorem from Group Theory states: ‘It is theoretically impossible to discretize all LCTs with a finite number of samples such that they are both unitary and they preserve the group structure.’ - K. B. Wolf, Linear Canonical Transforms: Theory and Applications. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2016, ch. Development of Linear Canonical Transforms: A Historical Sketch, pp. 3–28. - A. W. Knapp, Representation theory of semisimple groups: An overview based on examples. Princeton University Press, 2001. 30/06/2018

19 Proofs on Unitarity U is real diagonal, so it is Hermitian. 30/06/2018

20 Proofs on Unitarity 30/06/2018

21 Proofs on Unitarity 30/06/2018

22 Proofs on Unitarity 30/06/2018

23 Numerical Experiments
As mentioned before, we cannot satisfy Group Properties analytically. So, we study numerically. Inputs: F1 F2 Transforms: T1 T2 30/06/2018

24 Numerical Experiments

25 Numerical Experiments

26 Numerical Experiments

27 Conclusions To our knowledge, the first application of Operator Theory to discrete transform domain A pure, elegant, anlytical approach Uses only DFT, differentiation and coordinate multiplication operations Fully compatible with the circulant and dual structure of DFT theory Important properties of DLCT are satisfied 30/06/2018

28 References A. Koç, B. Bartan, and H. M. Ozaktas, “Discrete Linear Canonical Transform Based on Hyperdifferential Operators,” arXiv preprint arXiv: , 2018. A. Koç, B. Bartan, and H. M. Ozaktas, “Discrete Scaling Based on Operator Theory, ” arXiv preprint arXiv: , 2018. and the references there in. 30/06/2018

29 References 30/06/2018

30 References 30/06/2018

31 THANK YOU 12/13/2017

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