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Year of Crisis: Legacy of World War One

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1 Year of Crisis: Legacy of World War One

2 Where does the Legacy Begin?
Peace Treaty at Versailles created new states and new sense of Nationalism Germany blamed for the whole war Weak League of Nations….WHY?

3 French Demand to Be Paid!!!!!!!
France demanded to be paid its reparations Germany could not keep up with the demand for they too were effected by the war 33 billion dollars overall total Made 1st payment in 1921 France took control over Ruhr Valley filled with mines and industry

4 INFLATION!!!!!!!! Germany could not keep up
Therefore, printed more money Why is this a bad thing? By 1923, 130 billion marks equaled 1 dollar

5 AFFECTS…….. Carrying wheel barrels of money to buy things
Worthless money Political and social upheavals Dawes Plan= Loan to Germany to help pay for the reparations to war Allowed America to once again reap the benefits and make a profit

6 Promise between Germany and France never to fight again
Temporary Hope….. Treaty of Locarno… Promise between Germany and France never to fight again Is this for Real??????

7 ALL MUST COME TO AN END!! Stock Market in the US Crashes: October 1929
Great Depression: Stock Market in the US Crashes: October 1929 Reasons: Down turns in prices Europe depended too much on US Panic-withdrew money, no investments

8 Responses to Depression
¼ British were unemployed 6 million Germans out of work What to do? More Government Activity Result back to Communism Turn to Dictators

9 Videos Cinderella Man
Great Depression

10 Homework: How did they respond to the Great Depression?
Finish Reading Chapter 17: Section1 Explain what happened in: Germany France Great Britain United States How did they respond to the Great Depression?

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