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Chemical Monitoring Activity (CMA) ( )

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Presentation on theme: "Chemical Monitoring Activity (CMA) ( )"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemical Monitoring Activity (CMA) (2007-2009)
Objectives & justification Need for continuous exchanges on chemical monitoring issues, in the light of the on-going technical progress, and follow-up of the monitoring programmes Specific inputs required about standardisation in support of chemical monitoring (links to CEN/TC 230) Practical works (with PRBs) on chemical monitoring Follow-up of QA_QC discussions in relation to the development of EAQC-WISE

2 CMA (2007-2009) Tasks / Deliverables
STRATEGIC CO-ORDINATION GROUP WG E PLENARY CMA (GW, SW/MW) WG C (joint meetings) Exchange of best practices Standardisation (CEN TC/230) Data flow quality concept Sharing best practices Identification of gaps and needs Analytical methods, sampling Sediment and biota Support to WG-E Identification of standards Follow-up of CEN work Links with RTD SW and GW monitoring Practical works Supporting CMA QA_QC Case studies Practical exercises Follow-up of COM decision Discussion of common strategy (EAQC-WISE)

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