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The WMO RRR Process and the Role of the Vision Jochen Dibbern, Chair CBS OPAG-IOS Workshop Surface Vision for WIGOS 2040, Geneva, 18-20 October 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "The WMO RRR Process and the Role of the Vision Jochen Dibbern, Chair CBS OPAG-IOS Workshop Surface Vision for WIGOS 2040, Geneva, 18-20 October 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 The WMO RRR Process and the Role of the Vision Jochen Dibbern, Chair CBS OPAG-IOS Workshop Surface Vision for WIGOS 2040, Geneva, October 2016

2 The WIGOS RRR process: Rolling Review of Requirements
Observing capabilities User requirements for observations User requirements for observations User requirements for observations User requirements for observations Gap Analyses (Statements of Guidance) Implementation Plan Long-term Vision for global observing systems Programmes of Members and Agencies © Courtesy John Eyre, Met Office

3 RRR process: Application Areas
1 Global NWP Erik Andersson (ECMWF) 2 High Resolution NWP Thibaut Montmerle (France) 3 Nowcasting Paolo Ambrosetti(Switzerland) 4 Sub-seasonal to longer predictions Yuhei Takaya (Japan) 5 Aeronautical Meteorology Jitze van der Meulen (Netherlands) 6 Forecasting Atmospheric Composition Oksana Tarasova (WMO) 7 Monitoring Atmospheric Composition Oksana Tarasova (WMO) 8 Providing Atmospheric Composition information to support services in urban and populated areas Oksana Tarasova (WMO) 9 Ocean Applications Guimei Liu (China) 10 Agricultural Meteorology Robert Stefanski (WMO) 11 Hydrology Claudio Caponi (WMO) 12 Climate Monitoring (GCOS)(now including GFCS requirements) 13 Climate Applications William Wright (Australia) 14 Space Weather Terry Onsager (USA)

4 RRR process: documentation
OSCAR (Observing Systems Capability Analysis and Review Tool) User requirements: Space-based capabilities: Surface-based observing (under development): Gap Analyses (Statements of Guidance, SoGs) VISION: Implementation Plan, EGOS-IP: © Courtesy John Eyre, Met Office

5 The role of the Vision in WMO and in discussion with partners
Used widely in WMO and in discussion with partners In the WMO Space Programme and interaction with space agencies through CGMS and other forums In the discussion for the surface based observing systems On the complementation of space-based and surface-based observing systems On the added values of the surface-based observing system Variables which cannot be observed from space Validation of satellite data Collection of high resolution data regionally and more timely for critical applications Continuity of data records for climate applications Vision 2040  update of the implementation plan EGOS-IP

6 PBPV – 03/2013

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