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After India.

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1 After India



4 Mutiny at the Hyphasis Alex addresses his officers because he realises that they and the men do not follow him so willingly anymore He reminds them of their previous successes. He reminds them of the power of Macedon. He tells them there is little left to do in comparisson to what has already been done. He says if they turn back now all will be lost.

5 Mutiny at the Hyphasis He reminds them of the glory they all have achieved through travelling distances and achieving objectives that even the gods could not manage. He highlights the fact that as their commander he has shared in all their hardships. These arguments do not have the desired effect. They are greeted with silence from the officers

6 Coenus’ Reply Asks Alex not to lead men who are no longer willing to follow. Know when to stop. Not everyone is relentless and insatiable. Alex had let the Thessalians go in similar circumstances. Coenus’ words were greeted with applause.

7 Alex’s Reaction Sulked like a petulant child.
Stormed and raved but eventually relented. Tried to cover up his “defeat” with ill omens. Leaves manipulative materials behind for the Indians to speculate on.

8 Travelling Down the Indus

9 Against the Malians

10 Does he wish to Punish?

11 Gedrosian Desert

12 Why Gedrosia Pothos. Drive to do what others could not. Cyrus and Semiramis. To supply the fleet To establish trade links for the future empire. To punish for the mutiny?

13 Problems Thirst Starvation Heat/Sand Over drinking at rivers
Famous story of Helmet

14 What has happened to Alex?



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