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Taking a Standardized Test

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1 Taking a Standardized Test

2 Why should you care about the EOC?
New Jersey End of Course Biology exam has been renamed to the New Jersey Biology Competency Test (BCT). Because Biology is becoming a graduation requirement. This means if you do not pass the test you will be unable to graduate!!!


4 Before the test… Get a good night’s sleep the night before the test.
Start your day off with a good breakfast so that you have plenty of energy to take the test.

5 Before the test… Relax. You will think more clearly if you are relaxed when you take a test. Dress comfortably on the day of the test so that you are at ease and not distracted.

6 Before the test… Don’t cram.
The skills measured by the NJBCT are learned over a long period of time. So, the best preparation is to attend class regularly and complete all assignments carefully.

7 During the test… Think positively.
Believe that you will do your very best. Be confident of your ability.

8 During the test… Read the directions carefully before beginning each part of the test. This will help you understand what you are supposed to do, will save time, and help you avoid careless mistakes.

9 During the test… Read each question carefully.
Try to answer the question before you look at the responses. If you find your answer there, mark that response. If not, ask yourself whether your answer is reasonable.

10 During the test… Reread the question, keeping the responses in mind.
Take care to read what the question is asking.

11 During the test… Make sure that your answers are reasonable.
Do you understand what the question is asking? Have you made use of all the relevant information provided to answer the question correctly? Does your response answer the question? Did you choose the best answer among those listed?

12 During the test… If you aren’t sure of the answer to a question, try to eliminate some of the responses. Think about the reasons why you were able to eliminate some of the choices. These reasons may provide you with the information you need to choose the correct answer. If you can eliminate some of the choices, select the remaining answer choice that makes the most sense.

13 During the test… Skip a question and go on to the next one if you have no idea of the answer. Spending too much time on one question might keep you from having enough time to answer others that you do know. If there is time, you should come back to it later at the end of that part of the test. Try not to leave any question unanswered.

14 During the test… Pace yourself during the test.
Budget your time so that you have a chance to answer all the questions. Your teacher will periodically let you know the time remaining in the part of the test you are taking.

15 Test Taking Tips Watch for Clue Words
When you read a test question, watch for the clue words except, always, and mostly. When a question has the word except, you are looking for the answer that is not correct. When you see always in a question, it means the answer is true in every situation. Mostly suggests that the correct answer generally applies, but there are exceptions.

16 Read the following question and answer choices.
EXAMPLES: Living things show all of the characteristics except Growth and development. Ability to respond to the environment. Ability to dissolve. Reproduction. Step 1 What is the question asking? This question asks you to spot the characteristic that is NOT true of living things.

17 Read the following question and answer choices.
Living things show all of the characteristics except Growth and development. Ability to respond to the environment. Ability to dissolve. Reproduction. Step 2 Look for clue words. This question includes the word except. You are looking for the answer that is not correct.

18 Read the following question and answer choices.
Step 3 Read each answer choice carefully. Cross out choices you know are true. You may remember that living things grow and develop and they respond to the environment, so you can cross out A and B. Living things show all of the characteristics except Growth and development. Ability to respond to the environment. Ability to dissolve. Reproduction.

19 Read the following question and answer choices.
Living things show all of the characteristics except Growth and development. Ability to respond to the environment. Ability to dissolve. Reproduction. Step 4 Choose one of the answers left. You know that the correct answer is either C or D. You may remember that living things reproduce. The only characteristic that is NOT true of all living things is C, ability to dissolve.

20 In research, a scientist must always consider
Read the following questions and answer choices. Before you choose your answer, underline the clue word. Then circle the correct answer. In research, a scientist must always consider Plants Evidence Photographs Theories Evidence

21 A bias is mostly due to: the study of life Controlled experiments
Experimental data A personal point of view A personal point of view

22 Topics studied in biology include all of the following except:
The biosphere Rocks and minerals Changes in groups of organisms Reproduction and growth Rocks and minerals

23 All of the features are true of science except
Deals with the natural world Collects and organizes information Explores the supernatural Proposes explanations based on evidence Explores the supernatural

24 All of the following are characteristics of all living things except the ability to:
Grow and develop Maintain a stable internal environment Change over time Reproduce asexually Reproduce asexually

25 All of the following are big ideas in biology except living things are:
Unable to adapt to their surroundings. Based on a universal genetic code Made up of cells Diverse Unable to adapt to their surroundings.

26 When working in a lab you should always:
Follow safe practices Work with a partner Use a microscope Design your own experiment Follow safe practices

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