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Leadership Leadership is the ability to get a person to do what you want him to do, when you want it done, in a way you want it done, because he wants.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership Leadership is the ability to get a person to do what you want him to do, when you want it done, in a way you want it done, because he wants."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership Leadership is the ability to get a person to do what you want him to do, when you want it done, in a way you want it done, because he wants to do it. Eisenhower

2 Leadership Defined A leader is a person who:
Guides Facilitates Empowers Influences others to follow Higher expectations of a leader

3 How Leaders are Chosen Because of who they know
Because of who they are: Name recognition Family ties Occupation Certain qualities: Ability to work with people Experience Ability to act calmly under pressure

4 Qualities of a Good Leader
Organized Stable Self-confident Dependable Communicates effectively

5 Where Leadership Learned/Used
Church Clubs School Work Home

6 How to Become a Leader Be a good follower
Plan to work toward becoming a leader Start small-work up Study the qualities that make a good leader Learn from your mistakes

7 Advantages of Being a Leader
Gain self-confidence Gain maturity Meet new challenges Respect opinions of others Reach goals faster

8 Disadvantages of Being a Leader
Be willing to work harder Be more informed Abide by decisions Remain enthusiastic & optimistic

9 Ways to Show Leadership Ability
Be willing to assume responsibility Take pride in doing a good job Be a good listener Be fair Let others share responsibilities with you Use talents of each person

10 Choosing a Leadership Style

11 Autocratic One person has all power & makes all decisions
Advantage: crisis situations call for quick decisions and discipline Disadvantages: Outcome over other’s feelings Group interest tends to be low

12 Democratic All people involved in decision making Advantages:
Group members express ideas & opinions Disadvantages: Often leads to confusion, indecision May take a long time to make/carry out decisions Usefulness: with a cooperative group when things are going well

13 Loose Rein/Laizze-Faire
Allows people to do their own thing Advantages: Members more likely to carry out decisions Group needs little control or direction Disadvantages: Takes longer to make decisions Not practical in crisis Usefulness: best with responsible people or those who like to work alone

14 Leadership Activity Questions
What qualities did you need as individuals to work together on this project? How did you decide which leadership characteristic to represent? What problems did you encounter while creating your leadership animal? How did you solve the problems you encountered? Who emerged as the leader(s) in your group? What characteristics does that person have? How might these characteristics help you present an idea to a patient in a health care situation?

15 Leadership Development Quiz
1. The principal of your school has just announced that the school board voted last night that students could no longer wear jeans to school. Of course, everyone is furious! I would:

16 LD Quiz, cont A. Immediately organize a group to see what we could do to get the board to change their minds B. Wait and let others in my school organize the group C. Let it be known that I would help in any way possible to get the rule changed

17 LD Quiz, cont 2. Suppose the group has been formed, and after looking at the rule more closely, it is worse than imagined. They want the girls to wear dresses and the boys to wear pleated pants and collared shirts. I would:

18 LD Quiz, cont A. Let the rule go on as it is-there’s no use fighting it B. Do what the group decided to do C. Give all my time and work as hard as I could to persuade the board members to change their minds

19 LD Quiz, cont 3. suppose the group decides to meet from 3:00 to 4:30 every day after school to develop a plan; your favorite TV program is shown during that time. I would:

20 LD Quiz, con A. Forget being part of the group-seeing my program is more important B. Attend every meeting no matter what time it is being held C. Still be a part of the group, but not attend the meetings. The group can fill me in on what happened at the meetings the next morning at school

21 LD Quiz, cont 4. Suppose that several plans have been discussed by the group to persuade the school board members to change their minds. You have an idea that you really think will work, but the group keeps discussing all of the plans I would:

22 LD Quiz, cont A. Suggest the group vote on the plan the group as a whole feels would be best B. Tell the group that I will no longer be a part of the group unless they use my plan C. Just sit back and let the group continue discussing the plans

23 LD Quiz, cont 5. The big day has arrived! The group is presenting their plan at the school board meeting tonight. In thinking about the way to present the plan to the board, I would:

24 LD Quiz, cont A. Express the group’s plan in a clam, reasonable way
B. Begin by saying how angry the students are! C. Let another group member worry about being the one to present the plans

25 LD Quiz, cont 6. While presenting the plan to the board, you notice that by the way they are looking at you, they do not seem willing to change their minds. I would:

26 LD Quiz, cont A. Continue the presentation and hope that by the time I finished they would understand how we felt. B. Sit down, but not before I told them that I thought their idea stinks C. Sit down and let another group member take over; maybe they will have better luck than I am

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