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Three Step Geometric Pipeline

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Presentation on theme: "Three Step Geometric Pipeline"— Presentation transcript:

1 Three Step Geometric Pipeline

2 Volumetric Modeling Grid sampling of an implicit surface
Generate surface by zero-crossing interpolation inside surface outside surface surface

3 Marching Cubes Algorithm
Lorensen and Cline(’87) f (x) given to each vertex x: if , vertex x is outside of the object. if , vertex x is inside of the object. Generate triangles to meet the above rule

4 Compute Scalar Value Naive Algorithm
Compute the magnitude: compute the distance f(x), to the nearest object surface from x Compute the sign: determine whether the point is inside or outside of the object f(x’) f(x) signed distance f(x’) f(x) Outlier

5 Consensus Surface Algorithm
Compute consensus surface: comparing using the location and surface normal Compute f(x) by averaging signed-distances

6 Octree-based Voxel Splitting
If subdivide the current octant The octree reduces the computation O(n3) to O(n2)

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