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Supreme Vocations Objectives

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1 Supreme Vocations Objectives
1. Awareness: The aim is to explain the meaning of different vocations, underline the Church’s urgent need, and encourage people – young people in particular – to hear what God is asking of them. 2. Climate: This means being aware – and working to make others aware – of the social, cultural, and religious spirit of the times and how it impacts – for good and for ill – people’s readiness to heed and answer God’s call. 3. Motivation: The intent is to move people to respond positively to God’s call by entering seminaries and novitiates, if this is what God is asking of them, and to persevere in the program of formation for the priesthood or religious life after having done so.

2 State Vocations Chairman
1. The primary responsibility of the state vocations chairman is to ensure the proper and complete implementation of RSVP. 2. Chairman make contact with each vocations director or directors of the diocese or dioceses in his jurisdiction and develop a good working relationship. 3. In particular, the chairman should make sure that every diocesan seminarian and religious novice in his jurisdiction is included in RSVP.

3 Responsibility of the Council/Assembly/Circle Chairman
The primary responsibility of the council, assembly, or circle vocations chairman is to ensure the proper and complete implementation of the RSVP program at the local level. He should work with the state vocations chairman to ensure that every seminarian sponsored by the diocese or dioceses, and every religious novice in his jurisdiction is included in RSVP.

4 Guidelines ELIGIBILITY
1. Seminarians who have been accepted by a diocese and are currently in their spirituality year 2. Seminarians attending major seminary in preparation for priestly ordination 3. Seminarians in their pastoral year 4. Seminarians attending minor seminaries 5. Seminarians who belong to a religious institute and are currently in formation for the priesthood ( religious seminarians are often called “Brother” even though they will eventually be ordained as priests) 6. Men and women who are novices or postulants in religious orders or religious communities

5 Supreme Supports you when you support Seminarians
The RSVP Program returns $100 for each Seminarian (or Religious) that Councils, Assemblies support at the $500 level. Maximum refund a Council or Assembly can receive is $400 Columbian Squires circles contribution per seminarian is a minimum of $100 and eligible refund is $20 Form is on line

6 Action Steps After a candidate's name and address is secured, set up a planning meeting to determine: The Amount of Money to be raised How the relationship will be managed RSVP assistance also involves prayer and moral support.  Make at least one personal visit to each sponsored seminarian, or postulant. Encourage members and their families to keep the seminarian or postulant in their prayers. Send communications throughout the year – e.g., birthday, Christmas and Easter greetings. Invite them to all council activities. Include them in mailing of newsletter or other communications

7 Seminarian Support This fraternal year we have 115 Seminarians on our web site associated with Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo Dioceses 93% of Seminarians are supported and 7% not supported We have three Seminarians from Redemptoris Mater and three Capuchin seminarians unsupported Please contact myself or Chris Kennedy if your council is in need of supporting a Seminarian Note: If you were supporting a seminarian and stop please inform the Vocations Chairman so that I can get another council to support them. If I don’t hear from you, I assume you are still supporting.

8 Vocations Scholarships
Father Michael J. McGivney Vocations Scholarships Bishop Thomas V. Daily Vocations Scholarships Two vocations scholarship programs, Father Michael J. McGivney Vocations Scholarships (based on need) and Bishop and Thomas V. Daily Vocations Scholarships (based on merit and academic excellence), provide scholarships to seminarians during their first four years of theological studies. Each grant of $2,500 for tuition, room and board is renewable up to a maximum of four years upon evidence of continued enrollment and eligibility.

9 Thank You To all the Councils, Assemblies and Squire Circles that Supported our Seminarians and Postulants for Fraternal Year. A Special Thank You to those Colorado State Ladies Auxiliaries whom supported Seminarians during the first half of this fraternal year.

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