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Vocab Week 2 I love words..

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Presentation on theme: "Vocab Week 2 I love words.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocab Week 2 I love words.

2 Heresy The crime of holding a belief that goes against established dotrine. The witches were accused of heresy by the church and were burned at the stake because they went against the church’s beliefs.

3 Docile Easy to teach or manage Often refering to animals
This lion is exceptionally docile, it’s like a trained dog.

4 Libation An alcoholic drink
The old man typically has a libation on Sunday afternoon.

5 Anathema Hated person or thing A formal curse
Casey Anthony is an anathema to many people who watched the case and thought she was guilty.

6 Banter Teasing, playful conversation
The referees loved to banter throughout the game, always teasing each other seeing who could laugh first.

7 Castigate To criticize or punish severely
The principal would always castigate Jennifer for being late to school. Her punishment was to scrub the floors by hand.

8 Gauche Lacking social graces
The man who talks on his cell phone during a meeting is gauche. Have some class!

9 Ignominy Public shame, disgrace or dishonor
The Nets fans felt ignominy for their team because of their 0-18 record. They were so ashamed they couldn’t even show their faces.

10 Motley Made up of dissimilar parts
Miss Swanson bought a side mirror from a semi-truck for her VW bug whose mirror is taped on right now. Her car will be motley once she gets the semi-truck mirror installed.

11 Emaciated Extremely thin; wasted away
Elie Weisel and the other Jews at Auschwitz were emaciated to the point that they were unrecognizable.

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