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Chemistry Teachers Education

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1 Chemistry Teachers Education
Development of teachers’ knowledge base Teachers’ knowledge base affects their lesson planning and classroom practice. Conversely, their teaching activities influence their knowledge base. Teachers’ matter subject knowledge ‘Research studies indicate a lack of basic knowledge of chemistry among chemistry teachers at all levels, especially among primary schoolteachers. This is surprising since these teachers are usually trained as content specialists’ Teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge

2 Adoption of constructivist views on learning
Teachers should know students’ prior conception of concepts, rule, skills, aiming to facilitate conceptual development among students. Implementation of teaching approaches aimed at conceptual changes. Enhancing the integration of university theory and classroom practice

3 Knowledge base for teaching
Subject matter knowledge Pedagogical content knowledge - General pedagogical knowledge Domain pedagogical knowledge 3. Curricular knowledge 4. Knowledge of learners and their characteristics 5. Knowledge of educational contexts 6. Knowledge of educational purposes

4 Subject matter knowledge
Chemistry teachers act in the classroom as if they believe that knowledge is static rather than dynamic. Primary teeachers’ SMK for chemistry is often weak or absent. SMK of secondary school teachers is sometimes problematic because it is not suitably organised for teaching purposes. Teachers often have conceptions about chemistry topics that are similar to those of their students. Some teachers relied on the memorisation of facts and concepts and lacked problem-solving skills.

5 Tertiary school (college or university)
The blending of SMK and general pedagogical knowledge is not obvious and may be problematic even for subject matter The weakest focus has been on research into the professional development of University level teachers of chemistry. This area emerges as a ‘blank space’ in teacher education. A thorough and coherent understanding of subject matter acts as a prerequisite, preceding the development of pedagogical content knowledge.

6 Pedagogical content knowledge
PCK = transformation of SMK, used by teachers in the communication process with learners. PCK is developed by an iterative process that is rooted in classroom practice. Knowledge of students conceptions with respect to a domain or topic understanding specific student learning difficulties in that area. Knowledge of representations of subject matter for teaching. Knowledge of instructional strategies incorporating such representation.

7 Domain PCK Demonstration in chemistry teaching Explanatory analogies
Within the natural sciences, explanatory analogies were found in the textbooks more frequently in chemistry than in the other major science areas. Teachers use analogies when they have difficulties in explaining some aspects of chemistry because of their perceptions pf students’ learning difficulties. Stoichiometric calculations Ambiguities arise from the overlap of the different conceptions of mole by the teachers (number of particles vs mass).

8 Excellent SMK , knowledge of how students learn, and knowledge of alternative representation are prerequesites for the selection and use of appropriate and effective analogical explanations. A crucial factor in the development of PCK is teaching experience. As a result of teaching experience SMK and PCK are integrated. The development of teachers’ SMK and PCK is influenced by their beliefs about teaching and learning, the nature of science, subject matter, students, and the characteristics of the context in which teachers work.

9 Teachers’ beliefs Conceptions of learning chemistry
Conceptions of teaching chemictry Gaining chemical knowledge Transferring chemical knowledge Solving chemical problems Posing chemical problems Constructing personal understanding Interacting with students College professors stress the importance of students’ personal attributes, such as creativity and inquisitiveness, the high school teachers regarded chemical knowledge and skills as significantly more important.

10 Intensive workshops (two-week summer course) result in growth of teachers’ knowldege base.
The workshop is organized in: Theory Modelling Practice Feedback Issue: Chemical demonstrations Concept mapping (SMK, methodology, concerns) Chemical equilibirum

11 Selected Readings Lijnse, P. (1995). ‘Developmental research’ as a way to an empirical based ‘didactical structure’ of science. Science Education, 79, Sanford, J.P. (1988). Learning on the job: conditions for professional development of beginning science teachers. Science Education, 72, Brickhouse, N.W. (1990). Teachers’ beliefs about the nature of science and their relationships to classroom practice. Journal of Teacher Education, 41, Brickhouse, N.W. & Bodner, G.M. (1992). The beginning science teacher: Classroom narratives of convictions and constraints. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 29, Briscoe, C. (1993). Using cognitive referents in making sense of teaching: A chemistry teacher’s struggle to change assessment practices. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 30 (8),

12 Geddis, A.N. (1993). Transforming subject-matter knowledge: The role of pedagogical content knowledge in learning to reflect on teaching. International Journal of Science Education, 15, Johnstone, A. H. (1997). Chemistry teaching: Science or alchemy? Journal of Chemical Education, 74 (3), Koballa, T., Gräber, W., Coleman, D.C., and Kemp, A.C. (2000). Prospective gymnasium teachers’ conceptions of chemistry learning and teaching. International Journal of Science Education, 22 (2) Lin H.S. & Lawrenz, F. (1992). Teaching beliefs and practices - A survey of highschool chemistry teachers. Journal of Chemical Education, 69 (11), Regis, A. & Albertazzi, P.G. (1996). Concept maps in chemistry education. Journal of Chemical Education, 73 (11), Sanders, L.R., Borko, H., & Lockard, J.D. (1993). Secondary science teachers’ knowledge base when teaching science courses in and out their area of certification. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 30,

13 Shulman, L. S. (1986). Those who understand: knowledge growth in teaching. Educational Researcher, 15, 4-14. Sweeney, A.E., Bula, O.A., & Cornett, J.W. (2001). The role of personal practice theories in the professional development of a beginning high school chemistry teacher. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 38 (4), Thiele, R. B. & Treagust, D. F. (1994). An interpretive examination of high school chemistry teachers’ analogical explanations. Journal of Research in Science Education, 31, Van Driel, J.H., Verloop, N., & De Vos, W. (1998). Developing science teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 35 (6), Volkman, M.J. & Anderson, M.A. (1998). Creating professional identity: Dilemmas and metaphors of a first year chemistry teacher. Science Education, 82 (3),

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