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Colonial Jeopardy 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Colonial Jeopardy 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colonial Jeopardy 2

2 A Colonies 100 200 300 400 500 B Characteristics 100 200 300 400 500 C People 100 200 300 400 500 D Pot Luck 100 200 300 400 500

3 A100 Question: What were three reasons for exploration? Answer: Religion, Wealth, Glory or Fame

4 A200 Maryland:Catholics / Pennsylvania: ? Answer: Quakers

5 A300 Question: What were the three main cash crops of the South in the 1600s? Answer: Tobacco, Rice, & Indigo

6 A400 Question: What was a physical barrier to western settlement? Answer: Appalachian Mountains

7 A500 Question: Where were most of the big cities located? Answer: Near the Atlantic Ocean

8 B100 What was the main economic activity of the Southern colonies? Answer: plantations, farming

9 B200 Question: What group settled in New York and for what reason? Answer: Dutch; economic reasons

10 B300 Question: What group set up Maryland and for what reason? Answer: Catholics; religious reasons

11 B400 Question: What colony did the Swedish people move to and why? Answer: Delaware; economic reasons

12 B500 Question: What was the last colony to be set up and what was it used as? Answer: Georgia; used as a barrier to Spanish invasion.

13 C100 Question: Who made indigo a profitable cash crop? Answer: Eliza Lucas Pinckney

14 C200 Question: Who helped John Smith make peace with the Powhatan Indians? Answer: Pocahontas

15 C300 Question: Who was an English judge, wrote the “Commentaries on the Laws of England, and believed in self defense? Answer: William Blackstone

16 C400 Question: Who believed in Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness? Answer: John Locke

17 C500 Question: Who gave a sermon that influenced the writing of the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut? Answer: Thomas Hooker

18 D100 Question: What are two of the three reasons for the growth of representative government? Answer: Answer: 1. The colonists were a long way from the king. 2. The wanted self-government. 3. They wanted to keep their English traditions.

19 D200 Question: Which region of the British colonies in North America were settled mostly by Puritans? Answer: New England colonies

20 D300 Question: What was one way the lives of free blacks differed from the enslaved people? Answer: free blacks could work in small businesses

21 D400 Question: What was one thing that free blacks and slaves had in common? Answer: Neither had a political voice; they could not vote.

22 D500 Question: When did the transatlantic slave trade begin? Answer: When sugar plantations in the West Indies needed labor.

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