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Setting Goals in Science The Living Environment

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1 Setting Goals in Science The Living Environment
Gary Carlin Leadership LSO May 28, 2009

2 Start with the Curriculum
The Living Environment Core Curriculum The University of the State of New York NYS Learning Standards for MST Standard 1: Analysis, Inquiry & Design Standard 4: Science: The Living Environment

3 Don’t Forget to Look at …
Living Environment Regents Examinations LE Resource Guides (Individual & Cooperative Learning Activities) LE Required Labs NYS Learning Standards NYC Performance Standards NYC Scope & Sequence

4 NYC Scope & Sequence 1 1. Scientific Inquiry 10 days
2. Origin of Life days 3. Ecology days 4. Org & Patterns in Life 20 days 5. Homeostasis & Immunity 25 days Adds up to 80 days!!!!

5 NYC Scope & Sequence 2 6. Reproduction & Devel 15 days
7. Genetics & Biotech 25 days 8. Evolution days 9. Human Inf on the Env 15 days 10. Review days Adds up to 80 days!!!!! = 160 days !!!!

6 Write an Overarching Course Goal
Students will internalize a system of scientific inquiry that recognizes the historical development of ideas in science and enables them to explore the world around them, explain natural phenomena in their own words, and apply conceptual understandings and skills necessary to be environmentally literate.

7 Create a Curriculum Map

8 Collect Data from Content Assessments
Initial “Science Content Goals” can be set as overall performance, such as 85% of students passing a Unit Exam or a 5% improvement in student achievement from one unit to the next. Content Goals and Data can be easily set/collected from Pre-Tests, Unit Exams, Midterms

9 Works Best with Unified Exams
Use of questions M/C and Extended Response (unmodified and modified) from Living Environment Regents examination for unit assessments. Unified department Midterms and Finals from Regents test question database. Unified Baseline Assessment from Regents test question database.

10 Reflect Skills in Student Goals

11 Identify Major Course Skills for Data Collection
1. Utilize the Scientific Method and Process Skills to state/create/organize/analyze: observations, inferences, hypotheses, experiments, data 2. Interpret and Draw: tables, graphs, charts, dichotomous keys, scientific illustrations, flow charts, concept maps 3. Use Scientific Tools to Observe and Measure: ruler, graduated cylinder, microscope, thermometer, balance, dissection tools, chromotography & electrophoresis apparatus, 4. Process Text and Visual Information (diagrams) for written Extended Responses

12 Collect Data on Student Skill-Level to Support Goal Development
Procedural Correctness (Sequence) Conventions and Norms Speed (Fluency) Accuracy (correctness, freedom from error)

13 Skill Rubric 4 3 2 1 Procedural Correctness na Conventions & Norms
Procedural Correctness Investigation is complete with a sequence that is thorough and follows a correct and/or logical sequence. Investigation is (almost) complete and has an acceptable procedure that could be expanded for greater depth. Investigation is incomplete and/or procedure is missing steps or has several procedural errors. Investigation is incomplete and lacks a clear procedure throughout the investigation. na Conventions & Norms All conventions and norms are utilized during investigation and when presenting solution process and answer One minor errors in use of scientific conventions and norms in use of tools and/or calculations and/or units, etc. Several minor errors in use of scientific conventions and norms in use of tools and/or calculations and/or units, etc. Incorrect use of scientific conventions and norms in use of tools and/or calculations and/or units, etc. Speed Works quickly and efficiently to complete the task and its extension. Works at consistent speed with planning and thought to finish task. Works at a moderate speed with a minimal plan. Works slowly with little planning or thought. Accuracy All parts of calculations, use of measurement tools, and final answer are correct or within acceptable limits. Answer close to acceptable value/range or correct calculations set –ups and/or use of measurement tools with a computational or usage error. Minor errors in calculation set-up and/or use of measurement tools that produces for an incorrect answer. Significant errors in calculations and use of measurement tools that does not allow for correct answer.

14 Skill Data Collection for PCSA
Skill: MEASUREMENT Measuring cm/mm with a Metric Ruler Last Name, First Name P C S A Costello, Lou 4 3 Fine, Lawrence 2 Howard, Jerome Procedure, Convention, Speed, Accuracy

15 Initial Goal Setting Interest Survey Pre-Test or Initial Test
1 Content Goal 3 Skill Goals

16 Conferencing 4-5 times/year Individual/Group Personal/Reports
Reflection Revision Evidence

17 Add Specific Student Goals from:
Identified Interests Content/Skill Assessments Surveys Conferencing Discussions Informal Assessments


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