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Evaluation: Framing Outcomes For Impact

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1 Evaluation: Framing Outcomes For Impact
May 27, 2010 Public Health Program Global Partners Meeting Kiev/Alushta, Ukraine Introduce Outcome Mapping Create a Beginning Outcome Map for Your Project’s Key Advocacy Objective Decide on a 2010 Grantmaking Strategy to Support Your Advocacy Objective

2 Public Health Program: 2008-2010 Planning, Learning & Evaluation
Why is PHP Interested in Evaluation: Last frontier in our planning and assessment process Tool we will use to determine what we have achieved words the set out in our strategic framework Tool we will use to determine what we have achieved towards the goals our our PHP five year strategic framework What have we done? (Show slide and briefly describe processes) -emphasize connection to the Budget and Planning 2011 Template process Why do we focus on Outcomes? -Look at the one pager in your folders that draws the distinction between outputs and outcomes using examples from our work -Focusing on outcomes instead of outputs orients us toward RESULTS. Instead of placing the focus on what was done (output) it focuses our efforts on what was the RESULT of our efforts. -Focusing on outcomes that are in our control also can help us avoid making unrealistic claims of IMPACT that are often not possible within the timeframes allotted - IMPACTS are often very long term in the type of advocacy and human rights work we are carrying out. Goal of this presentation: Help You Craft your Expected Outcomes for the 2011 Budget and Planning Template and Guide your Discussions with PHP Staff

3 Using Outcome Mapping for Advocacy
Outcome mapping is a tool developed by the evaluation unit at the Canadian Development and research organization IDRC as a way of capturing the contribution programs and actors make to achieving outcomes on the ground It attempts to be less linear than a typical logical Framework model that captures (Inputs, outputs, outcomes and impacts). It posits that programs are successful to the degree that they are able to influence the partners involved to change their behaviors. Outcome mapping in its most robust form is NOT a useful tool for the kind of work we are doing. We have found though that it introduces interesting concepts and enables us to learn and train ourselves to focus on outcomes. Today we will not delve too deeply into the field of outcome mapping. If this exercise peeks your interest, there is a website you can consult for more information. Our goal today is to begin to develop an outcome map jointly (both PHP and SF staff), creating something that will advance a critical advocacy goal that you jointly share with PHP. Through the exercise we hope you will become more familiar with the difference between outputs, outcomes and impacts and be able to apply that knowledge to the development of plan of action for an important advocacy initiative. Introduce Outcome Mapping Create a Beginning Outcome Map for Your Project’s Key Advocacy Objective Decide on a 2010 Grantmaking Strategy to Support Your Advocacy Objective

4 Three key concepts in Outcome Mapping:
Sphere of influence Outcomes understood as changes in relationships, activities, actions, or behaviors Boundary Partners What is OM? A participatory method for planning, monitoring and evaluation; Focused on changes in behaviour of those with whom the project or program works; and Oriented towards social & organizational learning mid-1990s: post-Rio need to demonstrate ‘sustainable’ results OM does three innovative things that add value to existing PM&E methods: Defines the system borders, roles and responsibilities where the program operates; Identifies the prominent actors who are the ongoing drivers of the changes; and Sets milestones that mark the path of change;


6 improved human, social, & environmental wellbeing
Step 1: Vision improved human, social, & environmental wellbeing

7 A vision statement.. motivates and inspires
guides motivates and inspires is an ‘accountability-free zone’ Vision describes why the program is involved in development work It is the beacon that guides day-to-day work Probably won’t change for the life of the program It articulates the values of the program The vision goes beyond what the program alone can bring about but it will contribute The program is never measured against its vision It provides an inspirational focus for the program It is the ideal that the program wants to bring about

8 vision question Imagine that in 3-5 years the advocacy initiative has been extremely successful. Things have improved beyond your most ambitious dreams. What changes have occurred? What are your intended beneficiaries doing differently? How have your partners changed? Be visionary and idealistic, but stay in reality – make it useful to you as a guide Visions can be as long or as short as the program wants so long as people agree on that it represents the ideal they’re striving to help bring about. Dream boldly !

9 Mission Step 2: The mission is that “bite” of the vision statement on which the project is going to focus.

10 your mission is your “business”
What do you do? Who are your principle collaborators? How do you work with them?

11 Summary Vision Mission about the future feasible observable
idealistic not about the project feasible identifies activities and relationships about the project On screen during plenary discussion of Activity 3

12 Exercise 1 In bullet form write vision & mission statements for your Project’s advocacy goal

13 Boundary Partners Step 3:
Individuals, groups, & organizations with whom your project interacts directly to effect change Those whom you expect your project will be able to influence

14 boundary partner questions:
In which individuals, groups, or organizations is your project trying to encourage change as a contribution to the vision?  With whom will you work directly?  On whose actions does your success depend? Gender question: how will you disaggregate people and examine the social cleavages among BPs?

15 Exercise 3 Identifying Your “Boundary Partners”

16 Outcome Challenge Step 4:
Describes behavior of a single boundary partner Sets out the ideal actions, relationships activities Describes the boundary partner’s contribution to the vision

17 Outcome Challenge facilitation questions:
Ideally, in order to contribute to the vision, what would the boundary partner be doing? With whom would they be interacting? How could this boundary partner contribute maximally to the vision?

18 Write an Outcome Challenge Statement for One Key Boundary Partner
Exercise 4 Write an Outcome Challenge Statement for One Key Boundary Partner

19 Progress Markers Love to see Like to see Expect to see Step 5:
(Deep transformation) Like to see (Active engagement) Not a lock step progression Indicate DEPTH of change; signals that change is happening Milestones Spectrum of transformation Expect to see (Early positive responses)

20 Progress Marker Checklist
Each Progress Marker: Describes a changed behaviour by the boundary partner Can be monitored & observed As a set, Progress Markers: Are graduated from preliminary to more profound changes in behaviour Describe the change process of a single boundary partner

21 Develop Progress Markers for your key Boundary Partner
Exercise 5 Develop Progress Markers for your key Boundary Partner

22 Exercise 6 In 2011 how will you use grantmaking and direct advocacy to achieve your progress markers?

23 OM Resources & Examples

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