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Published byBlaise Enderby Modified over 10 years ago
1Student Assessment 2014
Late April Administration INCLUDES ALL TEST VERSIONS INCLUDES ALL TEST VERSIONS – STAAR STAAR-MODIFIED STAAR-L (online for Math, Social Studies, and Science, not Reading) 2Student Assessment 2014 Monday April 21 Tuesday April 22 Wednesday April 23 Thursday April 24 intermediateNO TESTS 6 th /7 th Math 8 th Social Studies 6 th /7 th Reading 8 th Science Make-Ups
Late April Administration WARNING: for the first time, the date for Social Studies PRECEEDS Science for 8 th grade. As shown on the Calendar Slide : Social Studies is calendared by TEA on Tuesday, April 22 nd, and Science is calendared on Wednesday, April 23 rd. When Pearson printed the 8 th grade test booklets, they printed the Science portion first, NOT Social Studies. When they printed the 8 th grade answer documents, they placed the Science grid first, ABOVE the Social Studies grid. STUDENTS AND TAs: Must be certain the correct test booklet seal is broken on the correct day AND that active monitoring ensures students answer the test questions in the right section of their answer document! Appropriate active monitoring and careful test administration is the only way to prevent potential bubbling errors that will cause invalid scoring of these tests. 3 Student Assessment 2014
4 Remember: this training does NOT take the place of reading your manual!
5Student Assessment 2014
Test Administration Directions Narrow call-out boxes contain procedural instructions. They are NOT read aloud to students. These instructions may refer to individual courses, multiple courses, or program-wide information. Wide call-out boxes in the test administration directions contain course- or program-specific instructions that MUST be read aloud to students, where applicable. 6Student Assessment 2014
Test Schedules and Scripts Tuesday, April 22 nd 6 th /7 th Grade STAAR Math Script in TA Manual pp. 61 - 67 6 th /7 th Grade STAAR-Modified Math Script in TA Manual pp. 61 - 67 6 th /7 th Grade STAAR-L Math Script in TA Manual pp. 89 - 98 8 th Grade STAAR Social Studies Script in TA Manual pp. 61 - 67 8 th Grade STAAR-Modified Social Studies Script in TA Manual pp. 61 - 67 8 th Grade STAAR-L Social Studies Script in TA Manual pp. 89 – 98 Read and Follow VERBATIUM Everyone must read pp. 41 – 43, Guide to the Test Administration Directions Wednesday, April 23 rd 6 th /7 th Grade STAAR Reading Script in TA Manual pp. 61 - 67 6 th /7 th Grade STAAR-Modified Reading Script in TA Manual pp. 81 - 88 6 th /7 th Grade STAAR-L Reading STAAR-L is not available for Reading 8 th Grade STAAR Science Script in TA Manual pp. 61 - 67 8 th STAAR-Modified Science Script in TA Manual pp. 61 - 67 8 th Grade STAAR-L Science Script in TA Manual pp. 89 - 98 7Student Assessment 2014
Test Security All testing personnel must receive training before each testing cycle Sign Test Administrator Oath for 2014 Test materials must be secured at all times in locked storage All tests must be administered in strict accordance with the instructions contained in Test Administrator Manual, STAAR Grades 6-8 2014 If you have a suspected testing irregularity or incident, please contact your CTC as soon as possible 9Student Assessment 2014
TAs may answer questions about test directions or procedures Answering Students Questions Allowable Responses to Students Questions TA response to questions about test content, I cant explain it to you; just respond the best way you can. If student asks a question you are NOT permitted to answer, you may respond, I cant answer that for you; just do the best you can. TAs are NOT allowed to do the following: Translate test questions or passages Rephrase or add information to questions Discuss test questions with anyone before, during, or after testing Score test questions or discuss performance during testing Test Security 10Student Assessment 2014
Testing Personnel may NOT: Alter responses to a question or advise a student to do so Erase stray marks, darken answer-choices, or respond to test items during test administration Answer any questions related to the content of the test itself Discuss, electronically capture, or duplicate test material Reinforce, review, check for, and/or distribute testing strategies during an assessment Read or review test material content unless authorized to provide an Oral Administration or Transcription Leave loose and/or used materials in test booklets. Please collect them from examinees and return them with test materials at check-in – to be shredded 11Student Assessment 2014 Test Security
Potential Pitfalls To Avoid Administering and/or monitoring tests if you have not been trained NOT CALLING for help from a CTC or Campus Administrator RIGHT AWAY if students are misbehaving, disruptive, not bubbling in their answers in a timely manner, etc. The clock is ticking! Going beyond the 4-hour time limit or NOT providing a full 4 hours to students (or extended time to students with that accommodation). Failing to remind students to record their responses and/or failing to verify that students have bubbled their answers before the end of testing – IF this occurs, the test is marked as SCORE and it is a testing irregularity. 12 Student Assessment 2014
More Potential Pitfalls To Avoid Reading students test booklet to give an Oral Administration (does not apply for students receiving an at students request accommodation) Leaving students unattended during test administration Not accounting for all test booklets, answer documents, and accommodations (where applicable) for each administration Allowing student to continue bubbling after the 4 hours has elapsed If a student has accidentally logged in for STAAR-L testing as another student or TA has logged in a student who is absent on that day of testing, do NOT mark test as complete. Notify your CTC as soon as possible. 13 Student Assessment 201413
14Student Assessment 2014
Testing Procedures Ensure all instructional aids and materials are covered Make sure all seating areas are cleared of books and other materials not required or allowed for the test Ensure each student is issued the appropriate test and has the correct, corresponding answer document Personally distribute test materials to each student - do NOT allow students to pass materials to one another Actively Monitoring Make sure that each student has written his/her name on the test booklet before you collect it 15Student Assessment 2014
Active Monitoring MEANS: TA is actively engaged in monitoring testing Is moving around testing area, pausing in various places Confirming students have no unauthorized materials, including cell phones Making sure students are awake, alert, and steadily working Ensure each student has placed their responses on their answer document and if a student has not done so, TA must say (as many times as necessary), You have not recorded all of your responses on the answer document. Please do so now. 16Student Assessment 2014
Lack of Active Monitoring Working on computer, iPad/tablet, doing email Texting or talking on cell phone Reading book, magazine, or newspaper Grading papers or planning lessons Leaving room without a trained TA/Monitor in the room Leaving students unattended during lunch Reading test over a students shoulder Checking student responses during testing 17Student Assessment 2014
Monitor Responsibilities CTCs – Please ADD your campus-specific information about: Hall Monitors Restroom Monitors Cafeteria Monitors Relief Staff What are the expectations and responsibilities for this role? Explain Active Monitoring also applies to all Monitors. 18Student Assessment 2014
19Student Assessment 2014
Ensure Proper Testing Procedures Remember: TAs must complete seating charts for each test administration for each day of testing, including consolidation areas Seating Charts must contain: Names of students testing and locations in room Names of all TAs/Monitors involved Starting and stopping times for test session, including lunch and other breaks that stop the clock Test booklet and Form numbers Students must remain seated during testing and can NOT talk to one another once test materials are distributed Examinees may be relocated to an alternate testing room as long as test security is not breached. Students can NOT transport testing materials when changing testing locations 20Student Assessment 2014
Reference Materials for Science and Math 21Student Assessment 2014 Embedded in test booklets Perforated so students can tear them out If students damage a reference material, notify your CTC as soon as possible Return ALL reference material that is written on to your CTC
Work Space for Mathematics Blank space is available in the Math section to make notes and perform calculations Calculators NOT allowed for students taking grade 6-8 assessments unless eligibility criteria for a Type 1 Calculator Accommodation is met Reminders for Math Test 22Student Assessment 2014
Dictionary Policy Required for STAAR and STAAR-M Reading tests for grades 6 – 8 Types: Standard English with or without a thesaurus Bilingual ESL Sign language 23 Student Assessment 201423
Allowable Test Administration Procedures and Materials These are available to any student who regularly benefits from the use of these procedures or materials during instruction, although a student cannot be required to use them during testing. Preferential seating Providing individual and small group administrations General reminders to stay on task Giving permission for students to use tools to minimize distractions (e.g., stress ball, noise reduction headphones, or non-verbal music, played through individual headphones or ear buds - this is NOT for the whole class) Signing or translating test administration DIRECTIONS only Reading aloud test to self (may require individual administration depending on room size) Making assistive tools available: scratch paper blank place marker magnifying devices color overlays highlighters or colored pencils The following are testing accommodations : The following are NOT testing accommodations : 24 Student Assessment 2014
STAAR Time Limits Time starts when test directions are completed 4 hours must be allowed for test sessions Responses must be gridded in on the answer document by the end of the 4-hour period Students who have not completed their tests within allotted 4 hours must submit what they have completed Testing for late arrivals is permitted as long as student has not had any contact with students who have finished testing and there is enough time to complete it within school day The only exception: Students who have extra time through their ARD, LPAC, or 504 Committee 25 Student Assessment 2014
STAAR Time Limits YOU ARE REQUIRED TO STOP the clock AND document on the seating chart: Student medical breaks Emergencies which affect students ability to continue testing Lunch Traveling from one testing location to another Restart the clock when (or if) testing resumes Do NOT ever stop the clock for: Restroom breaks Snack or water breaks Stretch or mental breaks or sleeping Materials collected during an allowable break: When testing resumes, TA must require students to confirm correct materials are returned to them 26 Student Assessment 2014
Campus Testing Schedule CTCs – Please ADD your campus-specific information about your testing schedule (When will testing begin? How will late arrivals be testing? What is schedule for lunch?) What is your procedure for attendance? What is your procedure for consolidation of students testing beyond 4 hours? 27 Student Assessment 2014
28Student Assessment 2014
30Student Assessment 2014
Helping ELLs TAs may help ELL students understand SAY directions that introduce test sections or item formats TA IS allowed to: Paraphrase, translate, repeat, and/or read directions aloud The SAY directions assume students have practiced and been told in advance: 1) that they can receive this help, and 2) what linguistic accommodations they can receive The TA is NOT allowed to: Add directions that are different from those in the manual Provide test strategies 31 Student Assessment 2014
Linguistic Accommodation Summary *Bilingual *English/ESL *Non-English Monolingual *Picture Student Assessment 201432
Linguistic Accommodations NOTE: TA may use simpler English, pictures, and/or gestures and/or reference dictionary to assist them with this accommodation 33 Student Assessment 2014 Reading Dictionaries Bilingual dictionary English/ESL dictionary Non-English monolingual dictionary Picture dictionary Extra time (same day ) / / Examples of dictionaries: student.assessment/accom modations / student.assessment/accom modations /
STAAR-L STAAR-L is not available for Reading Student must wear headphones (STAAR online interface allows students to hear words read aloud) Students taking STAAR-L online may be eligible to use bilingual dictionary (the ONLY type of dictionary allowed for Math, Social Studies, and Science) and/or receive extra time System check must be performed on all computers Student Authorization Letters are secure documents and are returned to your CTC Students must complete STAAR-L tutorials prior to test administration Test Administrator must also be familiar with STAAR-L tutorials: 34Student Assessment 2014
ELLs with Parental Denials TAC §101.1005 (f) These students are not eligible for: STAAR-L or STAAR-L or Linguistic Accommodations Linguistic Accommodations 35 Student Assessment 2014
36Student Assessment 2014
STAAR-Modified TA will need a test booklet to read pre-reading text Pre-reading text must not be rephrased or clarified TA may read pre-reading text (marked with Speaker Icon) as many times as needed and ONLY BEFORE student reads the passages/selections TA may NOT read passages/selections TA may read test questions and answer choices IF it is an Oral Administration Voice inflection must be kept neutral 37 Student Assessment 2014
Student Assessment 201439
40Student Assessment 2014
STAAR 41 Student Assessment 2014
42 STAAR-M Precod e Label Student Assessment 2014
43 Student Assessment 2014 Answer Documents Book numbers TEA Policy and TA Manual directions state that students must write Book Numbers on their answer documents themselves. TAs must verify that the numbers are correct.
44 Student Assessment 2014 Answer Documents Form Numbers TAs must verify that correct form number is gridded on answer document.
45 Student Assessment 2014 Answer Documents General Accommodation Braille Administration Large print Extra Day Linguistic Accommodation Linguistic accommodations, as well as Type 1 and Type 2 accommodations, are marked in this area. Mark accommodation bubble for each accommodation that is documented and made available to a student, even if student did not use the accommodation during testing. OralAdministration
Answer Documents Score Code Absent Other(Cheating/Ill) Score Test to be scored 46Student Assessment 2014 Indicates that student did not use this answer document for this test. They took STAAR-L or STAAR-M instead of STAAR.
Returning Materials To Your CTC Count test booklets, answer documents, etc. NO DROP-OFFs ALLOWED! Account for all materials during test check-in Verify no answer documents have inadvertently been left in test booklets Turn in all materials, including scratch and graphing paper, to Campus Testing Coordinator Verify that test form is marked on each answer document (per Coordinators instructions) 47Student Assessment 2014
CTCs – Please ADD your campus-specific information and customize information below about checking in/out testing materials, timelines, testing location, procedures, etc. How will TAs notify you that students have completed a test? As you collect testing materials, have TAs : Verify student name is on test booklet and was written BY THE STUDENT Verify correct booklet number was written on the top of answer document Write test booklet bar code number, form number, and students end time on class Seating Chart Bubble in – or have students bubble in – test form number on answer document and write number in boxes provided on answer document (see example) Score Code – Bubble S for SCORE IF asked to do so by CTC; do not bubble A for Absent or O for Other, the CTC will do this If you have any unfinished tests at the end of 4 hours for student w/Extra Time, be sure to write test booklet bar code number & form number on Seating Chart for cross-referencing. Students will resume testing in ________ at approximately _____. Reminder: If students w/Extra Time are moving to finish testing, TA fills out Booklet Transfer Form with names of students who did not finish. Students are then escorted to _________. Clock stops, then restarts once students are settled in new location Returning Materials To Your CTC 48 Student Assessment 2014
CTCs - Please ADD your specific information for PREPARING STAAR BINS/TUBS for RETURN to you. For example: –Please keep your Administrators Manual –Place test booklets with bar code facing up in numerical order on top of pencils. Place scratch paper, graph paper, and all other materials on top of booklets –Place ALL signs, including DO NOT DISTURB, class roster, restroom log, seating chart, and answer documents (in alphabetical order) on top of the test booklets –All test materials should be in the bin/tub. TA signs check-off list and places it on top of all materials. Do not throw anything away ! Returning Materials To Your CTC 49 Student Assessment 2014
Questions? REMEMBER: If you have a situation that you dont know how to handle, contact your Campus Coordinator or a Campus Administrator as soon as possible. Never hesitate to ask if you have any questions before, during, or after testing! Thank you for ensuring our students have the best testing opportunity possible. 50Student Assessment 2014
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