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King Midas Should “Die”

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1 King Midas Should “Die”
You will roll the die to determine what function you will complete at a phase of the story. Follow the directions below to complete the activity. Use the iPad to open the Make Dice app. Click on the play button. Depending on the side of the die that appears, make a prediction for the story, summarize the story to this point, write questions you may have, connect the story to real life, draw a picture of what is happening in the story, or free choice of any of the above. Continue reading until each person has rolled the die 3 times. Go to the computers. Using publisher, create a pamphlet for the story based on your three rolls of the die. Drop the pamphlet to the appropriate file on your teacher’s blackboard. This task uses: . Common Core/NG Standard(s): 7.RL.3 Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact (e.g., how setting shapes the characters or plot). TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/ Terri L. School: Maplewood Middle School Grade Level/Subject: 7th Grade English/Language Arts Task Card Level: Tier 2 Special Directions/Considerations: Activity Evaluation: rubric for pamphlet Prerequisites for students: Students should read “King Midas and the Golden Touch” before completing the task. Text being used (from the Holt Literature Series):

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