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CQC’s payments policy The Care Quality Commission is committed to putting people who use health and care services at the centre of our work and using.

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Presentation on theme: "CQC’s payments policy The Care Quality Commission is committed to putting people who use health and care services at the centre of our work and using."— Presentation transcript:

1 CQC’s payments policy The Care Quality Commission is committed to putting people who use health and care services at the centre of our work and using their views to shape the way we work. To do this we need to remove the financial barriers that can prevent people from becoming involved. Some people may need to have their expenses reimbursed, including for travel and personal care, and, on occasion, we may pay them a fee to recognise their time and expertise. The policy covers: Volunteers Members of the public People who use services, including those detained under the Mental Health Act Carers Young people

2 Draft Principles for our approach
1. No one should be left financially out of pocket for being involved in our work. 2. We may occasionally need to incentivise people to support our work. 3. We will make sure opportunities for working with us are offered in a fair and transparent way 3. We will make sure opportunities for working with us are offered in a fair and transparent way. 4. People involved in our work will know what they are likely to receive and how long it will take. 5. the payment processes should be consistent, fair and equitable. 5. the payment processes should be consistent, fair and equitable. 6. We will be realistic about the resources we have and ensure this policy is making best use of CQC’s budget. We recognise that to engage effectively with the public, we need to remove the financial barriers that can prevent people from taking part. 3. Where we give payment we will take account of the level of engagement, the type of work involved and the skills and expertise required. 5. and take account of the level of engagement, the type of work involved and the skills and expertise required.

3 Difficult decisions / potential challenges
How do we define who / which groups fall within and outside the scope of this policy? How do we demonstrate value for money in line with our reduced budget, while also remaining fair to people? Can we justify paying people involvement fees for their time? How can we ensure we aren’t preventing harder to reach groups from getting involved in our work? How can we ensure we are being fair to people in receipt of state benefits? We value the knowledge, expertise and experience of people who use services and the benefits it can bring to our work, and we believe that we should recognise this. However how can we be fair in line with our reducing budget? CQC wants to ensure that involvement is open and accessible to a diverse range of people, including those who are less often or less easily heard. Some of these people will be in receipt of state benefits, and it is important that CQC does not put participants in a position where they risk losing their entitlement to benefits. As receiving a payment is treated as earnings, it is likely to affect a person’s benefits.

4 Questions Thank you Do you agree that our draft principles are correct? Are there any you disagree with? Do you think we have missed any important principles? What are your views on the challenges we have identified?

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