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RELOCATION UPDATE : 29 November 2018

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1 RELOCATION UPDATE : 29 November 2018
Relocation status of prioritized households Households at the highest risk of landslides or floods Risks* 246,600 individuals (est.) / 57,424 HH at risk of landslide or flooding 41,751 ind. / 9,660 HH at highest risk of landslide prioritized for relocation** incl. 24,126 ind. / 5,636 HH at highest risk of landslide in Kutupalong-Balukhali Completed Relocations 26,638 ind. / 5,948 relocated to date, of those at risk of landslide prioritized for relocation (63.8% of prioritized caseload completed). incl. 1,244 HH to camp 4 extension and 1,305 HH to camp 20 extension Remaining 18,674 ind. / 4,425 HH at risk of landslide prioritized* for relocation (36.2% of prioritized caseload remaining) 698 household plots available for relocation. * Numbers of persons at risk as assessed prior to relocation. ** Prioritization is made based on highest risk & space availability. Numbers for relocation are verified on the ground. Camp 1E Camp 1W Kutupalong RC Camp 4 Camp 3 Camp 2W Camp 4 Ext. Camp 2E Camp 6 148 Camp 7 Camp 5 Camp 17 Camp 8W Camp 8E Camp 20 Ext. Camp 20 Camp 9 Camp 18 Camp 10 26 40 Camp 11 Camp 19 Camp 12 Camp 13 85 37 8 2 Camp 14 Completed Relocation 178 Relocation Reason Relocated 1st January — 29th November HH Ind. Landslide risk 5,948 26,638 Flood risk 1,806 7,931 New arrivals 1,950 8,105 Infrastructure 590 2,453 Others 57 258 Total 10,351 45,385 Camp 15 166 Camp 16 11

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