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Presentation on theme: "Salmonellosis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Salmonellosis

2 What it is? Salmonellosis is an infection which includes salmonellosis bacteria. It is known for being one of the most common food borne illnesses. This illness causes infection in mainly humans and animals. This food borne illness is aerobic, and oxygen-dependent. Reptiles are prone to carry this bacteria, so if you own a reptile, you are more likely to get infected with salomonellosis.

3 Where/how you get salmonella?
Salmonella changes from country to country. It frequently occurs in developing countries. It can be caused by eating certain improperly stored or cooked food. Contaminated eggs and milk are common sources of human infection. Farm animals and pet reptiles commonly carry salmonella.

4 Symptoms and duration of sickness
Some symptoms are: Abdominal pain Cramps Nausea Vomiting and occasionally fever Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) is a serious consequence of this disease and is the leading cause of kidney failure

5 Prevention of salmonella
To prevent salmonella: Don't drink milk that is unpasteurized Don't eat foods containing raw eggs, raw poultry Cook eggs properly, and make sure your meat is cooked until there is no more pink meat Wash all fruits and vegetables properly Wash hands after handling raw poultry and raw eggs Wash hands immediately after handling animals(mostly reptiles) or pet feces Wash all food preparation surfaces and utensils that have come in contact with raw poultry or raw eggs with soap and hot water

6 Bibliography books

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