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Who is the Counselor’s Counselor?

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1 Who is the Counselor’s Counselor?
Dr. Ron Allchin

2 I. The Holy Spirit should be the Counselor’s Primary Counselor.
A. This Counselor dwells within us. Jn 14:16-17 This Counselor teaches us and helps us to remember. Jn 14:26 C. This Counselor guides us into all Truth. Jo 16:13 D. This Counselor convicts of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment. Jn 16:7-8 E. This Counselor can be grieved and quenched Eph 4:30; 1Th 5:19 F. This Counselor's work is hindered by a cauterized conscience. 1Tim 4:2

3 II. An “other person” should be the Counselor’s Counselor.
A. This "other person" counselor is competent to counsel. Rom 15:14 This "other person" counselor is to teach and counsel the Word. Col. 3:16 C. This "other person" counselor is to counsel a disorderly brother. 2Thes 3:14-15 D. The "other person" counselor of Paul was Tychicus. Col 4:7; Eph 6:21-22

4 This "other person" counselor has mutual benefit. Ecc 4:9-12
vs Mutual effort - vs Mutual support - vs Mutual encouragement - vs Mutual strength -

5 III. The Counselor himself should be the Counselor’s Counselor.
A. The counselor must be his own counselor. The counselor himself is to train himself to be Godly. 1Tim. 4:7 C. The counselor himself is to take heed to his life. 1Tim 4:16 D. The counselor himself is to take heed to his doctrine. 1Tim 4:16 E. The counselor himself is to take heed to keep himself pure. 1Tim 5:22

6 Conclusion & Applications

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