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Welcome to Fifth Grade September 26, 2016

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Fifth Grade September 26, 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Fifth Grade September 26, 2016
Welcome Parents! Please take a moment to explore your child’s interactive notebooks and read their letter! Paper is provided for your response.

2 Our Vision Vision: As a team we will work collaboratively to prepare our students to be responsible citizens who think critically and take ownership of their learning. We will encourage them to be independent problem solvers to help them move beyond KWES. 

3 Math Core Extension Science Recess/Lunch Social Studies Encore
Classroom Schedule Math Core Extension Science Recess/Lunch Social Studies Encore Language Arts -Beginning Strings: M and Th -Advanced Strings: T and F -Signet: Tuesday

4 Language Arts Grammar & Vocabulary Writing Reading Nonfiction Fiction
Poetry Daily 3 Research

5 Math Unit 1- Place Value Unit 2-Addition and Subtraction
Unit 3-Multiplication and Division Unit 4- Data Analysis and Statistics Unit 5-Fraction Computation Unit 6-Probability Unit 7-Fraction and Decimal Number Sense Unit 8-Decimal Computation Unit 9-Geometry Unit 10-Measurement Unit 11-Patterns, Functions, and Algebra

6 Science Scientific Method Living Systems Oceanography
Rocks and Fossils Geological Processes Matter Sound Light

7 Social Studies Map Skills Geographic Concepts North American Geography
Canada Central America The Caribbean Islands Mexico

8 Homework Homework shall be incorporated as a meaningful component of the instructional program. Homework assignments should be understood by the student and should involve only work for which the student is ready. All assigned homework will receive feedback from the teacher.

9 Extra Information CFAs (Common Formative Assessment) End of each unit
SOLs (Standards of Learning) Reading, Science, Math – Early May/June Parent Portal/School Fusion Don’t forget to sign up for conferences! (November 7th) Field Trip information to come…

10 STEAM!!!!! Marshmallow Challenge
Each table/team will receive a bag containing 20 sticks of dry spaghetti, one yard of string, one large marshmallow, along with a yard of tape. Challenge: To build the tallest tower possible in 18 minutes that will support the marshmallow. Timer Set and GOOOOOO…

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