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“Why might this be the ‘Worst Hard Time’ in U.S. History?”

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Presentation on theme: "“Why might this be the ‘Worst Hard Time’ in U.S. History?”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Why might this be the ‘Worst Hard Time’ in U.S. History?”
** Synthesizing information, considering what you think most relevant … Information from stations & handouts The Grapes of Wrath handout What has been learned about the Great Depression thus far? What was life like during the Great Depression?

2 Dust Bowl

3 Rural America - Living During the Great Depression
- 1930, 25% of population were farmers, living on six million farms … - Today … - Farm Security Administration (1935) … - Loans to purchase farms … - “I want to see the whites of their eyes.” - Economic reality …

4 Questions to Consider:
[1] What passages / sections stand out to you? Why? [2] Why are the tenants, owners, and the banks / company depicted as they are in the book? [3] Why do the owners call the banks or the company “a monster?” [4] Was this story fair?

5 Station One “Migrant Mother”

6 Station Two “Lunch atop a Skyscraper”

7 Station Three “Dust Bowl Images”

8 Station Four “Letters to the President”

9 Relevant National Statistics
Use the handouts on desks to reflect upon these statistics mentioned. Suicide … Mental breakdowns … Alcoholism … Unemployment … Gross Domestic Product … Young people moving away … Migration to California … Farm foreclosures …

10 “Why might this be the ‘Worst Hard Time’ in U.S. History?”
** Synthesizing information, considering what you think most relevant … Information from stations & handouts The Grapes of Wrath handout What has been learned about the Great Depression thus far? What was life like during the Great Depression?

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