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Presentation on theme: "UNIVERSITAS KATOLIK PARAHYANGAN"— Presentation transcript:



The Association of Christian Universities and Colleges in Asia (ACUCA) was formally established at a founding conference held on December 6-9, 1976 in Manila. ACUCA is unique in that it has comprehensive mandate to bring about a veritable community of Christian institutions of higher learning in Asia, working closely together to benefit each other as well as the societies in which they exist. Under the consortium of ACUCA, UNPAR students are eligible for the opportunities of Student Exchange and eligible for the support of ACUCA SMS (Student Mobility Scheme) Subsidy. ACUCA SMS Subsidy application is open during the Spring and Fall Semester allowing for financial support to undertake their study abroad. BILATERAL PARTNERS UNPAR students also have the opportunity to experience 1 or 2 semesters abroad with UNPAR’s partner universities

4 Diagram Flow Student Exchange Application for ACUCA


6 Student Mobility Scheme
ACUCA 1st Preference Student Mobility Scheme

7 Open the official website of International Office
1st STEP Open the official website of International Office

8 International Office official website
1st STEP International Office official website

9 Click “Studying Abroad”
2nd STEP Click “Studying Abroad”


11 3rd STEP ACUCA SMS Choose the university you would like to apply
Choose subjects to study Research further as the information given on the website is general You are suggested to go to the university website and explore in great details

12 Host University under ACUCA SMS
3rd STEP Host University under ACUCA SMS

13 4th STEP Scroll down at “Home” page and Click “Student Exchange”
Fill out the online Application Form

14 Fill out the online Application Form
4th STEP Fill out the online Application Form

15 Download the “Statement Letter and CV”
5th STEP Download the “Statement Letter and CV” For the Statement Letter and CV, please hand it over to International Office

16 6th STEP Make sure you are eligible for being a candidate of student exchange both by UNPAR standard (consult Peraturan Rektor tentang Student Exchange) and by Host University standard. Consult International Office on your preferred university on eligibility to host students on exchange semester from UNPAR Application form must be approved by the Head of Department with regards to your subject to study at host university and corresponding subject that can be transferred to UNPAR. Submit application to International Office by 30th of March for fall semester and 30th of August for spring semester Once the International Office decided that you are eligible for student exchange, International Office will give notification on your nomination to host university You can start your application process. Please note that the Application processes is done by individual after the approval of International Office

17 Next step after accepted
7th STEP Next step after accepted Once student is accepted for student exchange program at host university, the host university will send Letter of Acceptance to the International Office International Office will give the Letter of Acceptance and Surat Keterangan Mahasiswa Aktif to help you for applying the student visa All expenses regarding to VISA will be the responsibility of the student Student must submit to the International Office the following documents for administrative purpose before leaving : CV Transcript Copy of Visa (once approved) Copy of Passport And any related materials for the preparation of Student Exchange

18 ACUCA SUBSIDY Once letter of Acceptance is received, student through the International Office will submit the application for ACUCA Subsidy SMS to the ACUCA Secretariat The decisions of the subsidy will be decided by the executive committee of ACUCA The decision will be informed to student through International Office

19 Diagram Flow Student Exchange Application for Bilateral Partners


21 BILATERAL 2nd Preference Partner universities

22 International Office official website
1st STEP International Office official website

23 Click “Studying Abroad”
2nd STEP Click “Studying Abroad”

24 Click “Bilateral Partners”
3rd STEP Click “Bilateral Partners”

25 List of partner universities
3rd STEP List of partner universities

26 4th STEP Scroll down at “Home” page and Click “Student Exchange”
Fill out the online Application Form

27 Fill out the online Application Form
4th STEP Fill out the online Application Form

28 Download the “Statement Letter and CV”
5th STEP Download the “Statement Letter and CV” For the Statement Letter and CV, please hand it over to International Office

29 6th STEP Make sure you are eligible for being a candidate of student exchange both by UNPAR standard (consult Peraturan Rektor tentang Student Exchange) and by Host University standard. Consult International Office on your preferred university on eligibility to host students on exchange semester from UNPAR Application form must be approved by the Head of Department with regards to your subject to study at host university and corresponding subject that can be transferred to UNPAR. Submit application to International Office by 30th March for fall semester and 30th August for spring semester Once the International Office decided that you are eligible for student exchange, International Office will give notification on your nomination to host university You can start your application process. Please note that the Application processes is done by individual after the approval of International Office

30 Next step after accepted
7th STEP Next step after accepted Once student is accepted for student exchange program at host university, the host university will send Letter of Acceptance to the International Office International Office will give the Letter of Acceptance and Surat Keterangan Mahasiswa Aktif to help you for applying the student visa All expenses regarding to VISA will be the responsibility of the student Student must submit to the International Office the following documents for administrative purpose before leaving : CV Transcript Copy of Visa (once approved) Copy of Passport And any related materials for the preparation of Student Exchange

31 Funding For exchange student with UNPAR’s partner universities :
Tuition fee is waived, although there might be small fees for library card, student card, and other equipment for necessary purposes Unless provided by the host university or there’s grant available, during their stay abroad student must pay for their accommodation cost, living cost, and transportation cost. There is a grant available through Be UNPAR’s Delegation Fund to cover student’s airfare ticket return (From Indonesia to Host University) And the decision is subject to availability

32 Thanks! Any questions? You can find us at:


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