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Dr Gaurav Gupta Charak Clinics

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1 Dr Gaurav Gupta Charak Clinics
Rotavirus – in 4 parts Dr Gaurav Gupta Charak Clinics DCH, DNB, MAAP, MIAP

2 What are we talking about ?
A disease that affects ALL children before the age of 5 years Responsible for 5 % deaths of all children less than 5 years.

3 Rotavirus Virology – Part 1
Rota – means wheel-like in greek Double-stranded RNA virus

4 Rotavirus – this is how it looks!


6 Are these multiple serotypes important ?
NOT REALLY ! Because Natural RV infection attenuates severity of subsequent infections, regardless of serotype

7 Probability of rotavirus infection
Cumulative probability of rotavirus infection in 200 Mexican infants during the 1st 2 years of life 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Probability of rotavirus infection Age (months) 1st infection 2nd infection 3rd infection 4th infection 5th infection * *Complete protection against moderate-to-severe diarrhoea NEJM 1996; 335: 1022

8 Scary Statistics– Part 2
Diarrhoea is third largest cause of death in under 5 Rotavirus are the single most important cause of diarrhoea worldwide. Annually rotaviruses cause 5% of all deaths in children 527,000 deaths 80% of deaths are in infancy > 100,000 in India 39% of childhood hospitalisations for diarrhea Lancet Infect Dis 2007; 7: 56 Wkly Epidemiol Rec 2007; 82: JID 2005; 192(Suppl 1) S1 EID 2006;12: 304


10 Part 3 - Can we clinically diagnose Rotavirus gastroenteritis (RVGE)?
High fever and vomiting in a 6 month to 2 year child Severe vomiting resistant to anti-emetics Followed by explosive diarrhea, severe with significant peri-anal excoriation The diarrhea can be mild to severe and generally lasts 3-9 days. Illness usually begins 3 days after exposure.

11 Part 4 – Preventing rotavirus
Democratic Virus – affects the entire world equally, without differentiating the rich & poor – almost 40 % of hospital admissions worldwide due to diarrhea are due to RVGE. Hand-washing and sanitation.

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