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write on board in advance: handouts, names, Hoare quote

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1 6894 · workshop in software design lecture 12 · november 23, 1998 · software architecture
write on board in advance: handouts, names, Hoare quote do first 6 slides quickly remember to leave time for students to fill in info sheet: 5m? don't dwell on first abstraction slide might not have time for last two abstraction slides

2 introduction new? software systems have always had ‘architectures’
but a lot of recent interest in what exactly architecture is this lecture two parts first, Garlan & Shaw’s argument for SA second, critique and discussion 2/25/2019 daniel jackson

3 what is software architecture?
definition level of abstraction: components are filters, databases, layers aspects of design not addressed within modules motivations families of systems getting it right: avoiding catastrophic design errors choosing among design alternatives (cf. methods) analysis and description (and tools) shared vocabulary (cf. patterns) 2/25/2019 daniel jackson

4 style what is style? organize systems into families by architectural similarities analogy to styles in building architecture elements of style structural pattern (topology): components, connectors & constraints underlying computational model essential invariants (by which G&S mean global properties) common examples of use common specializations examples pipe & filter object-oriented implicit invocation layered system 2/25/2019 daniel jackson

5 pipes & filters basic features filters do not share state
filters communicate anonymously order of execution immaterial specializations pipelines: linear sequence bounded pipes typed pipes examples UNIX shell old-fashioned compilers signal processing benefits & liabilities + flexible, analyzable – become complex when sync needed P4 F1 F2 F3 P1 P2 F4 P3 2/25/2019 daniel jackson

6 abstract data types & objects
basic features communication by procedure call object preserves integrity of representation, hidden from other objects objects may have their own threads specializations inheritance: single/multiple, spec/imp? type system: static, functions as values, etc asynchronous calls, objects have own threads benefits & liabilities + rep independence, interacting agents – objects know each other’s identity 2/25/2019 daniel jackson

7 implicit invocation basic features
instead of invoking procedure directly, component ‘announces’ event system invokes procedures that have been ‘registered’ for that event communication is anonymous examples programming environments & syntax-directed editors triggers in databases user interfaces (model-view-controller) benefits & liabilities + easy to replace, add new components – components relinquish control over computation – exchange of data can be hard – hard to reason about correctness P1 e! REGISTRY P2 P3 2/25/2019 daniel jackson

8 layered systems basic features
‘onion skin’ organization, each a virtual machine specializations may restrict each layer to communicate only with adjacent layer examples communication protocols benefits & liabilities + support design based on levels of abstraction + support enhancement of functionality + reuse: layers can be interchanged – performance may cause layers to be blurred – can be hard to find right levels of abstraction 2/25/2019 daniel jackson

9 repositories basic features
two kinds of component: central data structure + independent actors specializations various control disciplines: blackboard: computation triggered by state of central structure database: actors triggered to act on central state by input stream examples most compilers AI blackboard systems for, eg, speech recognition benefits & liabilities + decoupling of actors: easy to add, change – hard to predict overall behaviour A1 A3 C A2 A4 2/25/2019 daniel jackson

10 example: tektronix oscilloscopes
context Garlan working at Tektronix economies of scale across family of oscilloscopes? object-oriented ‘no model for how types fit together’ led to confusion over partitioning of functionality layered layers signal manipulation waveform manipulation display functions user interface abstraction boundaries a hindrance (eg, user needs to affect functions in all layers) pipe & filter big improvement, but how is user input handled? added control interface to filters to set parameters different pipe ‘colours’: process without copying, etc coupling Couple Acquire kind, rate trans Measure To-XY size Clip 2/25/2019 daniel jackson

11 kinds of architectural model
structural models architecture = components + connectors + other stuff (constraints, style, properties, etc) examples: Aesop, C2, Darwin, UniCon, Wright framework models focus on one specific structure domain-specific architectures, CORBA, COM dynamic models large-grain behavioural properties describe reconfiguration and evolution examples: Chemical Abstract Machine, Conic, Darwin, Rapide 2/25/2019 daniel jackson

12 analysis of ADLs: what it offers
analysis of instances event ordering and causality (Rapide) evolution of configurations (Darwin) real-time analysis (UniCon) analysis of styles is one style a substyle of another? does a property hold for all instances of a style? are connector types compatible with component types? (Wright) 2/25/2019 daniel jackson

13 sample ADL: Wright connector Pipe =
role Writer = write!x -> Writer OR close -> done role Reader = let ExitOnly = close -> done in let DoRead = (read?x -> Reader [] read-eof -> ExitOnly) in DoRead ExitOnly glue = let ReadOnly =!y -> ReadOnly [] -> Reader.close -> done [] Reader.close -> done in let WriteOnly = Writer.write?x -> WriteOnly [] Writer.close -> done in Writer.write? x -> glue []!y -> glue [] Writer.close -> ReadOnly [] Reader.close -> WriteOnly spec forall!y . exists Writer.write(j)?x . i = j && x = y && => (Writer.close && = #Writer.write) 2/25/2019 daniel jackson

14 sample ADL: Darwin pipeline (n) output input F[0] F[1] F[n-1]
component pipeline (int n) { provide input; require output; array F[n]: filter forall k:0..n-1 { inst F[k]; bind F[k].output – output when k < n-1 bind F[k].next – F[k+1].prev; } bind input – F[0].prev; F[n-1].next – output; 2/25/2019 daniel jackson

15 critique what is SA? a level of abstraction? (but OO and pipe/filter seem far apart) execution structure or code structure? ‘components are the loci of computation and state’ ‘a common organization for many reactive systems is the state transition system’ why one SA per system? connectors? procedure call and database queries? why not model with components alone? styles? are there more than a handful? relation to object-oriented design are patterns styles? can OO express all G&S’s architectural styles? are object models architectures? micro-architectures? 2/25/2019 daniel jackson

16 broader questions what are the crucial design phases?
when are design representations needed? when are rough sketches useful instead? what’s the purpose of a design representation? which properties should be expressed? are graphical notations fundamentally any different? does precision matter? does non-ambiguity matter? what role should a design continue to play? code generation? repository of information about evolving code? to what extent should design express rationale, ie, why as well as what? extra-functional properties? 2/25/2019 daniel jackson

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