= 0)" we might get these tokens: "while", keyword "(", punctuation "x", name ">=", operator "0", integer ")", punctuation"> = 0)" we might get these tokens: "while", keyword "(", punctuation "x", name ">=", operator "0", integer ")", punctuation">

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Tokenizers 25-Feb-19.

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1 Tokenizers 25-Feb-19

2 Tokens A tokenizer is a program that extracts tokens from an input stream A token has two parts: Its value Its kind, or type For example, if we tokenize "while (x >= 0)" we might get these tokens: "while", keyword "(", punctuation "x", name ">=", operator "0", integer ")", punctuation

3 Tokenizers as state machines
Tokenizers can be implemented as state machines, but with these important differences: To succeed (recognize a token), the tokenizer does not have to reach the end of input; it only has to reach a final state When the tokenizer returns a token, the remainder of the input string is kept for use in getting the remaining tokens Tokenizers are almost always implemented as state machines We’ll do a quick tokenizer to recognize tokens in arithmetic expressions: Integers (digits only) Variables (letters and digits, starting with a letter) Operators, + - * / % Parentheses, ( ) Errors (anything not in the above list)

4 TokenType public enum TokenType { INTEGER, VARIABLE, OPERATOR, PARENTHESIS, ERROR; }

5 Token public class Token { private TokenType type; private String value; public Token(TokenType type, String value) { this.type = type; this.value = value; } public TokenType getType() { return type; } public String getValue() { return value; } }

6 Additions to the Token class
For my JUnit testing, I needed to ask whether my Tokenizer was returning the correct Tokens public boolean equals(Object object) { if (object == null) return false; if (!(object instanceof Token) return false; Token that = (Token)object; return this.type == that.type && this.value.equals(that.value); } Since my tests were failing, I wanted to see what tokens I was actually getting public String toString() { return value + ":" + type; }

7 The constructor and hasNext()
public class Tokenizer { private String input; private int position; public Tokenizer(String input) { this.input = input.trim() + " "; // to simplify getting last token position = -1; } public boolean hasNext() { return position < input.length() - 2; } public Token next() { ... } }

8 The shell of next() public class Tokenizer { private enum States { READY, IN_NUMBER, IN_VARIABLE, ERROR }; public Token next() { States state; String value = ""; if (!hasNext()) { throw new IllegalStateException("No more tokens!"); } state = States.READY; while ((++position) < input.length()) { char ch = input.charAt(position); switch (state) { case READY: { ... } case IN_VARIABLE: { ... } case IN_NUMBER: { ... } default: { ... } return new Token(TokenType.ERROR, value); } } assert false; // should never get here return null; } }

9 The READY state case READY: value = ch + ""; if (Character.isWhitespace(ch)) break; if ("()".contains(ch + "")) { return new Token(TokenType.PARENTHESIS, value); } if ("+-*/%".contains(ch + "")) { return new Token(TokenType.OPERATOR, value); } if (Character.isLetter(ch)) { state = States.IN_VARIABLE; break; } if (Character.isDigit(ch)) { state = States.IN_NUMBER; break; } return new Token(TokenType.ERROR, value);

10 The IN_NUMBER state case IN_NUMBER: if (Character.isDigit(ch)) { value += ch; break; } else { position--; // save char for next time return new Token(TokenType.INTEGER, value); }

11 The IN_VARIABLE state case IN_VARIABLE: if (Character.isLetter(ch) || Character.isDigit(ch)) { value += ch; break; } else { position--; // save char for next time return new Token(TokenType.VARIABLE, value); }

12 The default case default: return new Token(TokenType.ERROR, value);

13 java.util.StringTokenizer
StringTokenizer is a trivial tokenizer provided by Sun Everything is either a “token” or a “delimiter” The most important methods are hasMoreTokens() and nextToken() There are three constructors: StringTokenizer(String str) Delimiters are whitespace characters; any sequence of non-whitespace characters is returned as a token StringTokenizer(String str, String delim) Same as above, except you get to specify which characters are delimiters StringTokenizer(String str, String delim, boolean returnDelims) Same as above, except you get to say you also want the delimiters returned as tokens

14 java.io.StreamTokenizer
StreamTokenizer is a much more powerful (and much more complex) tokenizer It is basically capable of tokenizing C and Java programs, including integers, doubles, and comments There are a large number of possible settings, so that the tokenizer can be customized The constructor is StreamTokenizer(Reader r), where Reader is an abstract class for reading character streams The most important method is int nextToken(), where the returned int tells you what kind of token it found Once you know what kind of token has been found, you access fields of the tokenizer to get its value I’m not going to cover StreamTokenizer in my lectures All the details are in the Java API You may want to use StreamTokenizer in subsequent assignments

15 The End

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