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Day 1.

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1 Day 1


3 What are you doing? Are you… get up eat Korean food visit with friends
do yoga go to work eat lunch finish work watch TV go to bed 10

4 It’s (a/an/the) _________.
What is it? It’s (a/an/the) _________. living room Noun / 명사 They are ___________. curtains Plural Noun / 명사

5 dining room cupboard / cabinet wardrobe / closet book shelf

6 Where is the cat/dog? It’s _______ the chair. Preposition Noun / 명사
Add this one! 7. next to


8 What are you doing? Are you eating lunch? (+) I am studying English.
(-) I am not studying English. Are you eating lunch? (+) Yes, I am. I am eating lunch. (-) No, I am not. I am studying English.

9 Usage Notes Use 1 I am teaching. You are listening. Use 2
Use the Present Continuous to express the idea that something is happening/not happening now, at this very moment. i.e., I am teaching. You are listening. Use 2 Sometimes, we use the Present Continuous to say that we are in the process of doing a longer action which is in progress; however, we might not be doing it at this exact second. i.e., I am learning Economics. You are learning English vocabulary. Use 3 Sometimes, speakers use the Present Continuous to indicate that something will or will not happen in the near future. i.e., I am meeting my girlfriend tonight.

10 Speaking Activity Practice Book What are you doing?
(+) I am studying English. What are you doing _____? tonight tomorrow morning tomorrow afternoon tomorrow evening next month next year in a week in a month in an hour this week this month this year this weekend on the weekend in June Future Time

11 aren’t running ‘s working aren’t playing isn’t painting ‘m studying ‘re cooking isn’t sleeping

12 Is he cleaning the living room?
Is she making coffee? Are they playing soccer? Are you studying?

13 Day 2

14 Speaking Activity With a partner 3 2 1 4 5 What are they doing?
They are camping. What is he/she doing? He/she is …ing. 6 7

15 What is he/she up to? Practice Book 6-3 Practice Book

16 What are they doing? Practice Book 6-6 A: What is Cliff doing today?
B: He is working. A: Oh really? Where is he working? B: He is working downtown. 23


18 He is the host of “A Room in a Day.”
He is going to surprise Tessa with a new bedroom. She going to the beach with her friends so Ben can decorate her bedroom. There are new dressers, bedside tables, a big mirror, and an armchair. She is excited.

19 At 9:15 Ben and Marina are taking a coffee break.
At 12:30 Ben is painting the walls blue. At 4:00 Ben is putting the furniture in the room. At 8:30 Ben and Alberto are taking furniture out of the room. At 3:15 Ben and Marina are putting up new curtains. At 4:15 they are looking at the new room.

20 Day 3


22 1. He is going to buy some paint.
2. They are helping Jordan. 3. She is writing her resume. 4. He has an audition. 5. It is Sunday.

23 give me be a hand 40

24 What are they doing? Practice Book 6-4 A: What’s Jisoo doing?
B: He’s trying to lose weight. Practice Book

25 What are they doing? Practice Book 6-4 JiSoo JinWoo JiYeon JiYoung
Is trying to lose weight Is drinking coffee at school Isn’t sleeping on the sofa Is cleaning the house Is traveling to Canada Is meeting friends at the department store Is chatting with friends Is taking the TOEIC exam Is writing an essay Is applying for a job Is getting some exercise Is making coffee at home Is watching TV in the living room Is sitting on the sofa Is getting a job Is buying a chocolate bar at the convenience store Is playing video games Is reading a book Is joining a ski club Is playing for his rent JinWoo JiYeon JiYoung Practice Book

26 What are they doing? Practice Book 6-5
A: Are you watching a drama these days? B: Yes, I am. (1 - short answer) I am watching The Walking Dead. (2 - expand) B: What about you? (3 - transition) Are you watching a show these days? (4 - return the question) Practice Book

27 What are they doing? Practice Book 6-5
A: Are you watching a drama these days? B: Yes, I am. (1 - short answer) B: I am watching The Walking Dead. (2 - expand) B: What about you? (3 - transition) B: Are you watching a drama these days?(4 - return the question) A: No, I’m not. (1 - short answer) A: I am studying English every night. (2 - expand) A: So, are you exercising a these days? Practice Book

28 Unit 6 Quiz Clear Your Desks

29 Quiz time Put your books and cell phones away I have to make the audio

30 Extras




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