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Název školy Gymnázium, střední odborná škola, střední odborné učiliště a vyšší odborná škola, Hořice Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0873 Název materiálu.

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Presentation on theme: "Název školy Gymnázium, střední odborná škola, střední odborné učiliště a vyšší odborná škola, Hořice Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0873 Název materiálu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Název školy Gymnázium, střední odborná škola, střední odborné učiliště a vyšší odborná škola, Hořice Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Název materiálu VY_22_INOVACE_ Oxford Autor Mgr. Dušan Dovičovič Tematická oblast English Speaking Countries Ročník čtvrtý Datum tvorby Srpen 2013 Anotace Materiál je určen k získání základních informací o Oxfordu. Metodický pokyn Prezentaci je možno využít k výkladu látky.

2 Oxford

3 Oxford is a city in central southern England
has a population of 150 thousand Oxford is one of the UK's fastest growing cities, in terms of population the city is known worldwide as a university town and home of the University of Oxford

4 Oxford is known as the "city of dreaming spires“
in the 10th century, Oxford became an important military frontier town between the kingdoms of Mercia and Wessex Oxford was heavily damaged during the Norman Invasion of 1066

5 University of Oxford is first mentioned in 12th-century records
is the oldest university in the country and in the English-speaking world is the world's second-oldest surviving university

6 University of Oxford after disputes between students and Oxford townsfolk in 1209, some academics fled northeast to Cambridge, where they established what became the University of Cambridge the two "ancient universities" are frequently jointly referred to as "Oxbridge"

7 University of Oxford the University is made up from a variety of institutions, including 38 constituent colleges and a full range of academic departments 58 Nobel laureates have been affiliated with the university

8 Balliol College one of the university's oldest constituent colleges

9 Libraries the University maintains the largest university library system in the UK the Bodleian group is the second-largest library in the UK the Radcliffe Camera, built 1737–1749 as Oxford's science library, now holds books from the English, History and Theology collections

10 Radcliffe Camera

11 Sheldonian Theatre was built from 1664 to 1668 after a design by Christopher Wren is used for music concerts, lectures and university ceremonies, but not for drama the building seats between 800 and 1000 people

12 Sheldonian Theatre

13 Christ Church College one of the most famous colleges in Oxford
was traditionally considered the most aristocratic college of its university has produced thirteen British prime ministers has been used in the filming of the movies of Harry Potter series Lewis Carroll studied and taught here

14 Christ Church College

15 Ashmolean Museum founded in 1683, is the oldest museum in the UK
is the world's first university museum is open for free to the public holds significant collections of art and archaeology, including works by Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Turner, and Picasso

16 Ashmolean Museum

17 Zdroje:
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