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Supporting people with tech

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting people with tech"— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting people with tech
Our C4A experience EASPD Conference BCN 2018

2 Olga Berrios Twitter: @olgaberrios

3 Let’s start thinking How would you explain how to organize a trip to this Conference to a person with an intellectual or learning disability?

4 Let’s start thinking Think about 1 person. What she or he needs?
Would you use technology? What kind of technology? How?

5 Let’s start thinking We’re going to change the topic, but only a bit…
Have you ever got lost in your own city or other city? Have you ever tried to read a law? How did you feel? Have you ever need support in a new job?

6 Cognitive Accessibility
The feature of… Enviroments Products Services Proccesses Devices … that are easy to understand.

7 Cognitive Accessibility
Universal Accessibility It benefits everybody, but specially: People with intellectual disabilities People with mental illnesses Old people Children Migrants Etc.

8 Cognitive Accessibility
Easy-to-read methodology Enviroments evaluation Technology

9 Conected for Accessibility
Organizations network People with cerebral parsy, brain damage and intellectual disabilities organizations Leader: Vodafone Foundation Spain Our goal: to increase autonomy and independent living through Digital Transformation

10 Conected for Accessibility
Innovation on digital transformation for daily activities Meeting Point for sharing ideas, needs, and challenges Multidisciplinar & international team: co-creation, validation and scalling up ICT-based solutions development: “tools” Continuous training


12 Autonomy for emotions management
Patricia & Pepa. ASPRODES Salamanca

13 What have we learnt? Collaboration is a must.
Digital Transformation Projects: 2 organizations (at least) External collaborations

14 What have we learnt? Digital Transformation Criteria Change 1 thing
Participation Person centred Inclusion and relational opportunities Share knowledge Communication

15 What have we learnt? How our community works? Agreements
Community Meetings Tools: Skype, web, groups, stats… Development proposals Funds

16 What have we learnt? About Cognitive Accessibility
Identify the need with the person Step by step Audiovisual support Identify the best way to access to the support contents Test it!

17 What we have learnt? About Cognitive Accessibility
Are you ready? Add steps about the materials you need Use easy-to-read methodology Right or left? Divide and link support contents Add options

18 What we have learnt? About Cognitive Accessibility
Add and introduction or reason for the activity Adapt the content support for every need Feedback

19 Would you like to join us?
A final question… Would you like to join us?


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