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WG Environmental Expenditure Statistics Green public procurement (GPP)

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1 WG Environmental Expenditure Statistics Green public procurement (GPP)
Unit E2 Environmental accounts and climate change Luxembourg, March 2012

2 Overview Background Further developments at DG ENV since March 2011
Questions March 2012 Resource use and management expenditure accounts

3 Background GPP definition (European Commission):
"a process whereby public authorities seek to procure goods, services and works with a reduced environmental impact throughout their life cycle when compared to goods, services and works with the same primary function that would otherwise be procured“ Communication published on 16 July 2008 “Public procurement for a better environment” (COM (2008) 400) Regulation 2195/2002 on the Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) EU 2020 Strategy, Communication ‘Energy a strategy for competitive, sustainable and secure energy’ and Innovation Union (more than 30 action points) March 2012 Resource use and management expenditure accounts

4 Background Three studies commissioned by DG Environment: in 2009, 2010 and 2011 WG 2011 discussed possible ways forward Agreed that GPP is an interesting topic to be measured, but the possibilities of the statistical system are rather limited Eurostat continued to follow closely the work done by DG Environment March 2012 Resource use and management expenditure accounts

5 Further developments at DG Environment since March 2011
Results of the 2011 monitoring report are available, report to be published soon: Continuously changing criteria for defining GPP Revised ‘Buying green’ manual on 25 October 2011 Low response rate for the survey in the MS Low comparability between countries (e.g. 99% of public procurement in the NL is green) GPP helpdesk is available Public consultation on future GPP policies: opened until GPP issue brought up to also the attention of DG Research March 2012 Resource use and management expenditure accounts

6 Any new experience on GPP in your country since March 2012?
QUESTIONS Any new experience on GPP in your country since March 2012? Further ideas are welcomed March 2012 Resource use and management expenditure accounts

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