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STG VIP for System i Marketing Deliverables Sales Capsules

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1 STG VIP for System i Marketing Deliverables Sales Capsules
VIP Target Micro-Industry: Austria Automotive i want to lead in select markets. i want control. i want an i.

2 STG VIP – Table of content, There are three sections
VIP Top Sheet Influencer’s VIP Top Sheet Influencer Company Snapshot

3 Austria Automotive

4 Targeted Automotive Parts Market
STG Vertical Industry Program (VIP) Expanding through – Austrian Automotive Parts I. Opportunity II. Value Prop III. Supporting Market Intelligence Automobile part industry; Sub-segments OEM (Original Equipment Manufactures) Market Aftermarket Parts and Accessory Market Market size of sub-segments OEM Market – 50% Aftermarket – 50% Market value of sub-segments Approximately $2.3 billion per segment (2004) IBM and <IBM inserts ISV name> are teaming to: IBM inserts 1 Sentence Tag Line IBM to insert IBM and ISV value proposition In 2000 the statistics indicated that the accessory aftermarket is stagnant or perhaps even shrinking due to the fact that new cars come with so many traditionally aftermarket accessories already built in at the factory V. Global Deployment IV. Creating the VIP Consortium Austria System i Partitioning I5/OS Virtualization Integration Platform Targeted Automotive Parts Market

5 Deployment Opportunity Automotive Parts Segment
STG Vertical Industry Program (VIP) Growing .. Business with VIP in Austria Focus Industries STG VIPs Deployment Opportunity Automotive Parts Segment System i Partitioning I5/OS Virtualization Integration Platform Russia Austria The total spent on aftermarket parts and accessories is growing by around 5% annually Austrians spend over $2 billion yearly on automotive parts and accessories

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