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Physical and Chemical Changes

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Presentation on theme: "Physical and Chemical Changes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical and Chemical Changes
Unit II—Part 2

2 Concept of Change Change: the act of altering a substance

3 Physical Change Physical change: a change that occurs that does not change the identity of the substance Melting ice (change in state or phase) What do the particles look like when ice melts? Freezing Kool-aid Tearing paper Boiling water (same as melting ice)

4 Chemical Changes Chemical change: a change that occurs causing the identity of the substance to change Burning Digesting food Reacting with other substances (give an example per reviewer) A chemical change is called a chemical reaction

5 Chemical Changes Cont’d
How do you know a chemical change has taken place? Indicators of a chemical change: Evolution of light Evolution of heat Evolution of a gas Color change Formation of a precipitate - creation of a solid

6 Is it Physical or Chemical?
Change Physical Chemical Melting cheese Burning wood Milk souring (Do all students relate to this?) Wadding up paper Bicycle rusting

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