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Was Then That Photo1861 Don Bosco’s Early Ministry.

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Presentation on theme: "Was Then That Photo1861 Don Bosco’s Early Ministry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Was Then That Photo1861 Don Bosco’s Early Ministry

2 Historical Sources a simple list of persons connected with Don Bosco's early oratory work, mostly as coworkers. basic data derived from Don Bosco’s writings: such as early letters [cf. Motto, Ep and Ceria, Ep and notes] Historical Summaries [cf., e.g. Braido, Don Bosco per i giovani] From MO [cf. MO-Fe’s and MO-Ceria’s notes] From Don Bosco’s detailed statement in Bollettino Salesiano 3:#6 (September 1877)

3 The Beginnings Writing in the Bibliofilo Cattolico or Bollettino Salesiano, Don Bosco speaks of his first and early cooperators, that is, of the people who assisted him with the work of the Oratory in various ways.

4 First Instruction As far back as 1841 catechetical instruction was provided to the poorest and most neglected young people, namely to those youngsters who at any moment found themselves in danger of being sent to prison. The harvest was increasing day by day. Don Bosco was surrounded by 5 or 6 hundred children, finding it impossible to keep them occupied and tend to their need. Given this many zealous priests and Christian lay persons associated themselves with Don Bosco in this ministry.

5 First Clergy Cooperators
First cooperators from among the clergy. But with other demanding commitments, Only available at certain hours and on certain occasions. Dr. Giovanni Borel, Fr. Giuseppe Caffasso, Canon [Carlo Antonio] Borsarelli [di Rifreddo]

6 First LayCollaborators
Don Bosco turned to noble & middle class gentlemen for help, and drew a generous response from a good number of them. They came and were assigned to: teaching catechism, conducting classes, supervising the boys during services and activities leading the boys in prayer and song, preparing them for the sacraments

7 First Women Collaborators
Margaret Occhiena Bosco, first full time mother at the oratory. Cooperators not only from among the men, but also from among the women. Some pupils were dirty, unkempt ragamuffins who no one could stand, and no employer wanted them in his workshop. Washing, sewing, patching and even providing new clothes and linen for the boys, was done as need demanded.

8 Other Oratory Mothers Mrs. Margherita Gastaldi (Mother of the Archbishop), as a cooperator together with her daughter and her niece, Lorenzina Mazzè. Other faithful workers were the Marchioness Maria Fassati, Countess Gabriella Corsi, Countess Bosco-Riccardi and her daughter Giulietta, Countess Casazza Riccardi, the noble Miss Candida Bosco, Countess Bosco-Cantono, Mrs. Vincenza Occhiena, Mrs. Bianco Juva, & others.

9 Don Rua’s Mother Signora Giovanna Maria Ferrero Rua followed after Mama Margaret, moving into the Oratory and caring for the boys, from 1856 till her death.

10 Why did Don Bosco work this way?
Youth in need and in danger

11 Why did Don Bosco work this way?
Great harvest, few laborers

12 Why did Don Bosco work this way?
Willing collaborators

13 Why did Don Bosco work this way?
Consequently: Evangelical expediency!

14 Why did Don Bosco work this way?
Create a safe moral environment with a family spirit!

15 Why did Don Bosco work this way?
Reach and Serve as many as possible, with whoever was willing to join in ministry!

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