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TOP 3: The JPI CH future strategy within the GPC Working Group

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1 TOP 3: The JPI CH future strategy within the GPC Working Group
STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING: JPICH Executive Board Members and JHEP2 Work Packages and Tasks Leaders Rome, 29 November 2016 TOP 3: The JPI CH future strategy within the GPC Working Group road map Cristina Sabbioni Coordination JPI Cultural Heritage (JPI CH)

2 JPI CH future strategy The JPICH Strategy document submitted to GPC on 10 November (Doc.3.1) Last JPIs Chair meetings, Brussels 21 November: results and activities GPC meetings (High Level Group for JPI => EU Council), Brussels 22 and 24 November: outcome and conclusions (Doc 3.2) The Long Term Strategy - FP9: template description, related road map and actions (Doc & 3.4) JHEP2 StC. Meeting, Rome, 29 November 2016

3 JPI CH future strategy The JPICH Strategy document submitted to GPC on 10 November (Doc.3.1) Last JPIs Chair meetings, Brussels 21 November: results and activities GPC meetings (High Level Group for JPI => EU Council), Brussels 22 and 24 November: outcome and conclusions (Doc 3.2) The Long Term Strategy - FP9: template description, related road map and actions (Doc & 3.4) JHEP2 StC. Meeting, Rome, 29 November 2016

4 JPICH Strategy Sent to GPC on the 11th of November (Doc. 3.1) GPC analysed the 10 JPI Strategies At the GPC Meeting (24 Nov.) the10 JPIs Strategies were presented (JPICH slides Doc 3.2) GPC is preparing an overall Report for the EU Competitiveness Council on the added values of the 10 JPIs The Report will include the JPIs Strategies 2018 – 2020 The Report aim is to prove that the JPIs’ achieved and foreseen activities in the respective thematic area meet the societal challenge needs. GPC intends to highlight to the Council the political research value of the JPIs => increase Countries’ commitment JHEP2 StC. Meeting, Rome, 29 November 2016

5 JPIs Chair meeting Coordination among the 10 JPIs: regular meetings (last held in Brussels on the 21 November): Strategies toward the EC, the GPC, the EU Council and European Parliament Highlight what JPIs are and did A lot of actions with few findings in a short time Awareness: the JPI is a process and not a project, i.e. Era Net (diffused misleading) JPIs are not known: increase visibility Lack of communication: Brochure JHEP2 StC. Meeting, Rome, 29 November 2016

6 GPC meetings: 22 and 24 Nov. GPC meetings:- Addressed to JPI Chairs : 22th - General Assembly: EU MS & AC Repres. + JPIs: 24th - GPC and Hernani recommendations invite JPIs to consider their longer term strategy (LTS) in terms of socio-economical impact objectives / deliverables and what support instruments they would need from the next Framework Programme (Doc 3.3: Backgr. Paper) - The LTS must show the JPIs’ vision on a long period: we need to be innovative, be ambitious, address grand challenges - LTS needs to include: expected impact (social and economic benefits) and technological perspectives - LTS must plan the JPI sustainability requirements through national re-commitments and financial instruments (doc 3.4 Templ.) JHEP2 StC. Meeting, Rome, 29 November 2016

7 Long Term Strategy: delivery THE FUTURE OF THE JPICH IN FP9 DEPENDS
ROAD MAP Template sent before the meeting (Doc.3.4) Sharing the draft template sections among Participants during this meeting 1st draft sections sent to the Coordinator by 13 January LTS version1 circulated by 30 January Participant’ Comments by 15 February LTS version2 by 28 February (English rev., editing) Delivery to the GPC on the 10th of March (deadline) THE FUTURE OF THE JPICH IN FP9 DEPENDS ALSO ON THIS DOCUMENT JPICH FUTURE IN FP9 DEPENDS ALSO ON THIS DOCUMENTS JHEP2 StC. Meeting, Rome, 29 November 2016


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