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 The word ‘gout’ is derived from the Latin word ‘gutta’.  Earlier it was believed that an acute attack of the disease was the result of poison dropping.

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2  The word ‘gout’ is derived from the Latin word ‘gutta’.  Earlier it was believed that an acute attack of the disease was the result of poison dropping into a joint.  Disease of the ‘KINGS’ (Rich foods have a higher concentration of protein. This could cause major problems for a person afflicted with gout)



5 This disorder can be progressive through four stages if undertreated   Asymptomatic Hyperuricemia   Acute Gout   Intercritical Gout   Chronic Tophaceous Gout


7  Maintain the concentration of Uric Acid level within the normal range.  Drinking Plenty of Water.  Balance your weight with proper diet and exercise.  Avoid purine rich foods.  Reducing Alcohol Consumption.  Avoid Diuretic Drugs.

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