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Reaction Energy.

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Presentation on theme: "Reaction Energy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reaction Energy

2 Reaction Pathway Shows the change in energy during a chemical reaction

3 2H2(l) + O2(l)  2H2O(g) + energy
Exothermic Reaction reaction that releases energy products have lower PE than reactants energy released 2H2(l) + O2(l)  2H2O(g) + energy

4 2Al2O3 + energy  4Al + 3O2 Endothermic Reaction
reaction that absorbs energy reactants have lower PE than products energy absorbed 2Al2O3 + energy  4Al + 3O2

5 Reaction Rates

6 Collision Theory Reaction rate depends on the collisions between reacting particles. Successful collisions occur if the particles... collide with each other have the correct orientation have enough kinetic energy to break bonds

7 Unsuccessful Collisions
Collision Theory Particle Orientation Required Orientation Unsuccessful Collisions Successful Collision

8 Collision Theory Activation Energy (Ea)
minimum energy required for a reaction to occur Activation Energy

9 Collision Theory Activation Energy depends on reactants
low Ea = fast rxn rate Ea

10 Factors Affecting Rxn Rate
Surface Area high SA = fast rxn rate more opportunities for collisions Increase surface area by… using smaller particles dissolving in water

11 Factors Affecting Rxn Rate
Concentration high conc = fast rxn rate more opportunities for collisions

12 Factors Affecting Rxn Rate
Temperature high temp = fast rxn rate high KE fast-moving particles more likely to reach activation energy

13 Factors Affecting Rxn Rate
Temperature Analogy: 2-car collision 5 mph “fender bender” 50 mph “high-speed crash”

14 Factors Affecting Rxn Rate
Catalyst substance that increases rxn rate without being consumed in the rxn lowers the activation energy

15 Enzymes: protein catalyst
catalyze only one reaction names end in -ase Enzyme Substrate Complex- site where reactants are brought together to react  reduces the energy needed for the reaction. Substrate: reactants of the enzyme-catalyzed reaction affected by temperature & pH


17 Factors Affecting Rxn Rate
Enzyme Catalysis

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