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Welcome ‘A Stronger Voice’ Implementation and Design Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome ‘A Stronger Voice’ Implementation and Design Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome ‘A Stronger Voice’ Implementation and Design Workshop

2 A Stronger Voice “We must do more to listen to, and promote, the voices of those we care for. We need the voices of patients, those receiving care and their families to be heard in a much clearer and stronger way.” Cabinet Secretary for Health & Wellbeing, June 2014

3 Project Team Members Public Partners The ALLIANCE COSLA
Healthcare Improvement Scotland Scottish Health Council Scottish Government

4 Four events – 3 public/ 1 staff
Who was also involved? Reference Group National Events Four events – 3 public/ 1 staff Met three times

5 How we gathered people’s views
4 national events 2 online surveys 22 focus groups 2 live Twitter chats 1 virtual event video recordings 1 graphic facilitator Over 1000 people consulted/engaged.

6 Refined our vision Explicit about engaging purposefully
Continuous improvement and transformation Feedback on impact of engagement We refined our vision as a result of the feedback we received.

7 Our vision “People who use health and care services, carers and the public will be enabled to engage purposefully with health and social care providers to continuously improve and transform services. People will be provided with feedback on the impact of their engagement, or a demonstration of how their views have been considered.”

8 Going to where people are
31 86 Scotland 5 22 54 54 Unknown 50 76 National Events 45 20 27 82 57 Outside Scotland 101 110 26 People were engaged in each health board area. The purple figures refer to participants at the 4 national events (2 in Glasgow, one in Edinburgh and one in Dundee) The figures for “Scotland”, “Outside Scotland” and “Unknown” mainly refer to people who we engaged with via social media (data refers to location data made available in Twitter profiles) 89 22 86 12 26

9 What else did we do? Many conversations Academics Experts
Other countries Extensive literature review


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