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Presentation on theme: "THIS IS DOUBLE JEOPARDY. THIS IS DOUBLE JEOPARDY."— Presentation transcript:



3 JEOPARDY Phoenicians Persians India China Greece Geography 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

4 Indus Valley cities differed from other ancient towns because of this:

5 They were planned cities using a grid system and had plumbing and sewage systems

6 Indian subcontinent could resist invasion because of these geographic features:

7 (Himalaya and Hindu Kush)
Mountain Ranges (Himalaya and Hindu Kush) A 200

8 In the Caste System, these people made up the Brahmin.

9 (The highest Caste members)
Priests and scholars (The highest Caste members) A 300

10 This golden empire is responsible for Pi and Zero

11 The Gupta A 400

12 This group of people established the Caste System

13 The Aryans (or Indo-Aryans) A 500

14 The Zhou established their rulers “right to rule” according to this principle:

15 Mandate of Heaven B 100

16 The first emperor of China, legalism, and the expansion of the Great Wall are associated with this person B 200

17 Qin Shi Huangdi B 200

18 The objective of these 3 Chinese philosophies was to restore social order, harmony, and respect for authority B 300

19 Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism
B 300

20 The Huang He river is nicknamed the Yellow River because of this yellowish silt

21 Loess B 400

22 Gautama’s legacy B 500

23 Buddhism B 500

24 Phoenicians were known for trading this expensive item:

25 Purple dye C 100

26 for their brutality, warfare and New military technologies.
What group of people were known for their brutality, warfare and New military technologies. C 200

27 The Assyrians, greatest warfare technology was the use of ladders and battering rams

28 The Phoenicians famously created this which is something we use everyday:

29 Phonetic alphabet C 300

30 This Persian ruler was considered kind and ruled with a policy of toleration

31 Cyrus the Great Unlike the Assyrians he did not enslave the people he conquered instead he brought peace and stability C 400


33 Name of road created that linked the Persian Empire together and increased trade and Communication

34 Royal Road C 500

35 What caused Greece to develop into individual city-states…

36 The mountainous terrain
D 100

37 Troy was located in Anatolia Which is what country today

38 Turkey D 200

39 What form of Government was practiced in Sparta and what form was in Athens

40 Athens = Direct Democracy
Sparta = Oligarchy Athens = Direct Democracy D 300

41 List the 3 Greek columns and describe them or draw a picture
To represent each type D 400

42 Ionic – has a scroll at the top Corinthian – has the leaves at the top
Doric – no decorations Ionic – has a scroll at the top Corinthian – has the leaves at the top D 400

43 These 3 Mediterranean Civilizations came before the Greeks

44 Minoan, Mycenaeans, Dorians

45 The Equator passes through these 2 continents

46 Africa and South America

47 What word describes 1000 years

48 Millennium E 200

49 Imaginary lines that run east and west but measure north and south are called this:

50 Lines of latitude E 300

51 The star is on what body of water?

52 Mediterranean Sea E 400

53 Please list the 5 themes of Geography

54 Human Environment interaction
Location Place Region Movement Human Environment interaction E 500

55 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Hebrews
Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin

56 Click on screen to continue
In Prehistory, Which era had fire and simple tools such as a Stone hand axe Click on screen to continue

57 Click on screen to continue
Paleolithic Click on screen to continue

58 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy!


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