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Training Presentation

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1 Training Presentation
May 2012 Edition For use with May 2012 training materials and with Eyejusters Copyright © Eyejusters Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

2 Introduction Over a billion people worldwide need glasses
By using self-adjustable glasses almost anyone can provide glasses You are here to learn how to do this!

3 What you will learn The causes of poor vision
How to check for poor distance and close vision What sort of glasses will fix different types of poor vision How to provide self-adjustable glasses When you can’t help someone

4 What causes poor vision?
In this section, you will learn: Why we see and the parts of the human eye What refractive error is The types of refractive error How to treat refractive error with glasses Some diseases that can cause poor vision

5 The Eye

6 Refractive Error Normal eye (Emmetropia) Short-sightedness (Myopia)
Long-sightedness (Hyperopia)

7 Presbyopia By the age of 45-50, most people have trouble accommodating (changing the lens shape to focus on near objects) To help the eye see close objects, we must add positive power (use positive glasses lenses) People with long-sightedness find it more difficult to see distant objects as they get older because of presbyopia

8 Other problems Astigmatism – a type of refractive error Cataracts
Pinguecula and Pterygium Conjunctivitis Trachoma Other eye diseases Macular degeneration Retinitis Pigmentosa Retinopathy Glaucoma Squint or strabismus

9 How to do a sight test In this section, you will learn:
What to do before you start The Test How to do a distance vision test How to do a near vision test The best way to record information

10 Before you start You must not give self-adjustable glasses to people under 14 years old or are too small to fit. You should find out where the nearest eye hospital or eyecare professional is, and refer people with eye problems you cannot help with to there. If the person is sick, has an eye infection or their eyes are watering, they should not be tested.

11 Local knowledge You should be fluent enough, or have people fluent enough, in the local language to communicate about the sight test and adjusting the lenses Learn how to explain: “Don’t squint” “We can’t help you” “You should adjust the lenses until the world becomes clear” Older people are often more difficult to examine

12 Required Equipment You must have the following:
A Distance Vision Chart A Close Vision Chart These items are optional but can help in the near vision test: A book or magazine OR Useful items for near vision tasks (such as a needle and thread). This is for people who cannot read.

13 Setting Up

14 Recording Data Don’t forget to write information down on your data collection form This will help you and the person you are testing

15 The Test

16 The Test Point to a single letter on each line. Keep moving down the chart until the person gets ONE letter wrong. Then move TWO lines up the chart and point to every letter on the line. Keep pointing to every letter on the line, moving down the chart, until the person gets TWO letters wrong on one line. Then stop. Record the line number ONE above where you stop.

17 Distance Vision Test Check if the person should be tested
People who wear glasses should be tested with their glasses on Do the Test with the distance vision chart If the person cannot see line 7 with one eye, they might need glasses to help with distance vision

18 Near Vision Test Can the person see distance clearly (with or without any new glasses you have provided)? Do the Test with the near vision chart OR Check that they can do near tasks, such as reading If they cannot see line 7 with one eye or cannot do near vision tasks, they should try glasses for near vision

19 How to provide glasses In this section, you will learn:
About Eyejusters How to choose and adjust glasses for distance vision How to choose and adjust glasses for near vision Recording information about the adjusted glasses How to care for the glasses Final things you have to do before you provide glasses

20 Things to remember If a person does not pass the distance vision test, they may need glasses for distance vision If after attempting to fit and adjust glasses for distance vision, the person’s distance vision has not improved, you should stop the sight test and advise them to visit an eye doctor. If a person does not pass the near vision test, they will need glasses for near vision. If they are over 45, they will probably need glasses for near vision. A person may need glasses for both distance and near vision.

21 Eyejusters

22 Types of Eyejusters Positive Power: used by people with long-sightedness (hyperopia) who need distance glasses, and those who need glasses for near vision. Negative Power: used by people with short-sightedness (myopia) who need distance glasses.

23 How to choose glasses

24 Adjusting the glasses Clip the magnetic adjuster dial into the adjuster hole Put the glasses on. Cover the eye you are not adjusting with your hand. Rotate the adjuster dial all the way forward. Rotate the adjuster dial slowly until you can see clearly, then fine-tune the adjustment. Remove the adjuster dial by gently pulling it out of the adjuster hole. Repeat for the other lens.

25 Fitting glasses for distance vision
Pick the right glasses (see table or start with negative glasses) Introduce the glasses Follow the adjusting procedure (previous slide) Re-test Check fit and comfort

26 Fitting glasses for near vision
Pick the right glasses (see the table or start with positive glasses) If you have reading glasses, pick the right power Introduce the glasses Follow the adjusting procedure (on a previous slide) Re-test Check fit and comfort

27 Checking the fit Make sure user is looking through the middle of the lens Gentle pressure can be applied to side-arms, nose pads and nose bridge to change the shape and fit of the frame for comfort

28 Providing the glasses Explain about the ‘break-in’ period
Check fit and comfort Check cleaning cloth and instructions are in case Explain how to look after the glasses, including how to open the lenses to clean inside them Make sure you record information on your sheet

29 Questions & Practice Make sure you can answer the questions in the training guide Practice giving sight tests to family, friends and others in your group Copyright © Eyejusters Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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