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Presentation on theme: "Font-tastic!!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Font-tastic!!

2 Graphic Art and Design Graphic design is a creative process – most often using various methods to create and combine words, symbols, and images to create a visual representation of ideas and messages. A graphic designer may use typography, visual arts and page layout techniques to produce the final result. Graphic design often refers to both the process (designing) by which the communication is created and the products (designs) which are generated.

3 Graphic Art from History
Graphic design-like activities span the history of humankind: from the ancient caves, to Rome's Trajan's Column to the illuminated manuscripts of the Middle Ages, to the dazzling neon's of Ginza. In both this lengthy history and in the relatively recent explosion of visual communication in the 20th and 21st centuries, there is sometimes a blurring distinction and over-lapping of advertising art, graphic design and fine art. After all, they share many of the same elements, theories, principles, practices and languages.

4 Samples of Graphic Art and Design from the Book of Kells

5 Tools of Graphic Art and Design
graphic art software applications introduced a generation of designers to computer image manipulation and creation that had previously been manually executed. Computer graphic design enabled designers to instantly see the effects of that layout. One of the tools that graphic artist use to create mood and emotion is the FONT of the letters and numbers!

6 Samples of Fonts

7 Fonts add emotion and feeling




11 Your Assignment Students will work for the next two day on scratch paper working through some sketches and work through creating your own original font. Then students will receive a larger sheet of drawing paper that they will divide lightly using pencil in a 2”X2” square grid. Which will be erased later. This grid will serve to help keep the size of the letters and numbers the same. Students will create their own original font of the alphabet and numbers if they wish, first in pencil lightly and then they will use markers and colored pencils to help make their fonts come alive!

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