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Cockenzie Primary School

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1 Cockenzie Primary School
Curriculum Evening 2018 Miss Lennox

2 Key information PE days are Monday, Thursday and Friday
Friday snack- no free fruit is provided on a Monday or Friday, so please ensure that your child has a snack on these days. Naming- please continue to name all of your child’s belongings! Chat cards Morning and afternoon lines Morning messages- any information about your child should be given directly to myself, or sent via Dojo

3 Our Curriculum The Primary 1/ 2 curriculum will comprise all of the outcomes for Primary 1 and Primary 2. The children will have separate tasks and activities for literacy and numeracy. Our contextual learning will additionally cover all P1 and 2 experiences and outcomes, but through a different context to the straight P1 and 2 classes. The children will however, be developing the same skills and their learning will be differentiated depending on each child’s individual needs. The Primary 1 children will join with the other P1 classes for their Nativity, Christmas party and trip to the pantomime, and P2 will join with the other P2 classes for the Spring show, and again for their Christmas party and panto.

4 Our Topics

5 Homework and Learning Log
Homework will go home each Tuesday, to be returned the following Monday. P1 homework will comprise of a written sound task relating to their class work, their sounds to revise, words and a book to share at home from the library. As the children progress through their phonics programme, they will also bring home a reading book to read and share. P2 homework will be a phonics task, a spelling task as well as activities on Mathletics. Each Tuesday the children will bring home their ‘Learning Log’. This is updated each week to demonstrate the learning that the children have been doing in class the previous week. It is a lovely opportunity for you to discuss your child’s learning with them, and we ask that you sign it each week and return it to school by the following Monday.

6 Growth Mindset Growth Mindset develops a self belief in a child that they can succeed even although the work is difficult to start with. I can do this I can’t do this yet! We praise the effort and not the end result. “You have really tried to improve your spelling and that can be seen in your work” Rather than “Well done you are a good speller”

7 How you can help your child
Help with homework – provide a quiet space/dedicated time, build it into your week. Check for correct pencil grip. Reinforce correct formation. Count backwards as well as forwards. Read text around you. Read to your child every day – this can be anything! (recipes, shopping list, magazines, stories, leaflets, online, game instructions) Talk about experiences – ‘What was your favourite bit? Why?’ ‘Why do you think…..?’ Class dojo – reinforces positive behaviours and allows for discussion of any red dojos.

8 Twitter You can keep up to date with all of our learning and news on our class twitter page Miss You can also see all of our tweets on the school website!

9 Bedtime storytelling session
“The joy of a bedtime story is key to developing a love of reading in children” (Boyce, 2004) Bedtime routines which include a story are hugely important in developing a child’s literacy for the rest of their lives. We will be holding bedtime story reading sessions for children and their parents on Tuesday 11th September at Letters will be sent shortly out with more information.

10 Any questions?

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