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Class of 2018 Senior Parent Meeting.

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1 Class of 2018 Senior Parent Meeting

2 Meet Your Counselors Julie Collins - Counselor Jane Jeffries (A-F)
Kristi Gardner (G-O) Jennifer Andress (P-Z) Jennifer Roberie - Registrar Sunya Denton - Receptionist Office Hours Monday-Friday 7:45-4:15 Walk-ins welcome and by appointment.

3 Stay Connected! to Counselors’ Corner monthly memo sent through your current

4 BHS Website/Departments and Clubs/Counseling Department
Like the Burnet High School facebook page

5 Agenda Senior Conferences College Visits Testing and Test Prep
Recommendation Letters (Green Packet) Transcripts (registrar) Financial Aid (FAFSA) and Scholarships Senior Signing Day Project Graduation Open House

6 Senior Conferences October 2nd – 13th Parents and students invited
Appointments mailed September 18th No rescheduling at this time Graduation requirements Post-secondary plan(s) Scholarships and financial aid Individual questions/concerns

Senior College Day October 11th Bus tours available College Visit Form Requires college administrator STAMP Forms available online and through Google Classroom College days do not count against attendance or exemptions. 2 visits per year Students are responsible for completing all missed work/assignments.

8 Testing College Entrance Exams (ACT & SAT)
Required for admissions to most schools Seniors desiring to re-take should do so asap All tests administered at BHS Links for registering found on BHS Counseling Department website Texas Success Initiative (TSI) The TSI is an indicator of “College Readiness” Students can satisfy requirement through ACT/SAT scores Students who do not meet the minimum TSI score will take remedial courses Offered at BHS in April or at individual schools Links to test prep resources available on the BHS Counseling Department website.

9 Recommendation Letters
“The Green Packet” Student, Parent, and Teacher portions Complete and turn in to counselor at least 2 weeks before deadline Recommendation Request Forms Give to teacher and/or counselor Stamped, addressed envelope

10 Transcripts Permanent Academic Record
Request ONLINE through Parchment (BHS Website) Student account codes arrive Thursday 9/14 through English IV classes Request FINAL transcript before end of school year Unofficial copy provided at senior conference Dual credit students will also request transcript(s) from CTC and/or ASU Who may want a transcript colleges, employers, the military Contains: semester grades, GPA, class rank, attendance, standardized test scores

11 Financial Aid & Scholarships
FAFSA Night coming in October. FAFSA OPENS October 1, 2017 Utilize parent & student income tax returns from 2016 (IRS Retrieval Tool) Resources on the BHS Counseling Department website Quest Bridge National College Match program $65K annual income per household, top 5-10% of class Online application deadline to apply is September 27th Hill Country Community Foundation Scholarship All BHS seniors eligible to apply Applications accepted through Naviance (online) only Awards based on rank and SAT/ACT scores Scholarship Night May 17th

12 Contact the counseling office if you lose your username or password.
Naviance View guidance news bulletins Create a résumé Keep a planner View college visits and sign up Contact the counseling office if you lose your username or password. Complete a college search Develop a prospective college list Gain access to local scholarships and scholarship search engines Maintain journal entries Complete school developed surveys Compare colleges Links to selected third party resources (i.e. College Board, Financial Aid, NCAA, Careers, College searches, etc.) Track deadlines

13 1st Annual Senior Signing Day
We want to celebrate STUDENTS and their post-secondary plans! College/University, Trade School, Military, Work Force Certifications More details coming soon!

14 See Your Assistant Principal
Kristi Carruthers - Curriculum & Instruction Randy Chafin - (A-K) Lynn Fair - (L-Z) Textbooks Excessive Absences Fees and Fines Parking Permits

15 Project Graduation Meets Wednesday, 9/13 @ 7:00 p. m
Project Graduation Meets Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. at Unshakeable Grounds Parent Officers Keva Weir, President Robin Hocker, VP Jody Patterson, Secretary Lori Ringstaff, Treasurer Facebook page: BHS-Project Graduation 2018

16 Thank you! Bells will ring. Follow your student’s schedule:
8 minutes per class, 4 minute passing period. Please sign in each period. Unfortunately, no time for individual student conferences at this time. Conferences available by appointment. Classroom procedures and expectations explained. Teacher webpage and/or Google classroom posted. 6:25-6:33 1st Period 6:37-6:45 2nd Period 6:49-6:57 3rd Period 7:01-7:09 4th Period 7:13-7:21 5th Period 7:25-7:33 6th Period 7:37-7:45 7th Period 7:49-7:57 8th Period

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