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Warm Up 10/11 Consider the words “English class.” From them, determine three objective (meaning, leave your opinion out of it!) subcategories. Try to think.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up 10/11 Consider the words “English class.” From them, determine three objective (meaning, leave your opinion out of it!) subcategories. Try to think."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up 10/11 Consider the words “English class.” From them, determine three objective (meaning, leave your opinion out of it!) subcategories. Try to think of “English class” as generally as possible, aiming to indicate the same subcategories that anyone else might. Now, identify what YOU take from “English class:” how does it impact you, your strengths, your interests, etc.?

2 Learning Targets I can visually represent both what I learned as well as what my teacher emphasized from our The Things They Carried unit in order to contribute to my class’s building of a “quilt.” I can work with a partner to create something “wall-worthy.”

3 Quilt Assignment Today we are making a “quilt” for The Things They Carried. This quilt will contain elements that exemplify, using mostly visuals and only a few words, what YOU carry and also what I’ve emphasized after having taken part in this unit. This work is to be completed in pairs, so choose someone you’ve never worked with (I’ll be checking!).

4 Assignment specifics:
Your visual must in some way represent your learning in this unit as related to the category you’ve been assigned. To do that, I require that you visually represent THREE aspects of your assigned category. This visual must also embody exactly what you and your partner BOTH take away (carry with you) from this unit. So, you have a total of FIVE aspects to represent. This visual must be neat and “wall-worthy.” In addition to the visual, you will provide a separate sheet that lists and explains the relevance (i.e, what it has to do with the text) of the three aspects of your assigned category, lists and explains what you each personally take from this unit, AND explains how you’ve represented each of these topics visually and why you made the choices you did. *** You may only use up to THREE WORDS in your visual, and NONE of those words can be the elements of your category or what you took from the unit (though one may represent the category itself).

5 Once you’ve found your partner,
get one piece of art paper for both of you, as well as creative materials (they can be found in the back of the classroom. Be respectful with my stuff!!!!). As I circulate, I will assign you and your partner a category. You have the rest of the class period to work.

6 Homework Proposal Materials due THURSDAY, 10/13!

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