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RWS 100 // 11-8-17 // Testa Peer Workshop 1.

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Presentation on theme: "RWS 100 // 11-8-17 // Testa Peer Workshop 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 RWS 100 // // Testa Peer Workshop 1

2 Outline Announcements Questions The Workshop

3 Announcements Chippendales. I got the job!

4 Announcements I’ve decided to move the due date for the final draft of assignment three to Tuesday, November 21, by 11:59 pm in order to give you more time to write a stellar paper. The full rough draft is still due to Wednesday, 11/15. We only have class on Wednesday next week for the full rough draft. Class is canceled on Monday and Friday. Class is also canceled this Friday (11/10) because it’s a holiday.

5 Conferencing We will have required conferencing next week in lieu of MF class. Please sign up for conferencing on the Google Doc as soon as you can.

6 Class on Monday 11/20 On Monday 11/20, we will go over the beginning of unit 4 on Fake News. There will be an in-class timed writing. It won’t be a hard class. Please show up if you can. We will have a potluck. Bring/share food to eat.

7 Unit 4 For unit 4, we are going to go over fake news.
We are going to watch Star Wars.

8 Assignment 3 Questions? Anyone have any questions about assignment 3?

9 Peer Review Workshop I’m not going to time you for this one.
Peer review with three other people for the remainder of class. If on a laptop, MAKE A FRESH COPY FOR EACH PERSON AND NAME THE FILE AFTER THAT PERSON SO YOU KNOW WHO IT WAS.


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