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Presentation on theme: "Transcendentalism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transcendentalism

2 “The Big Three” Ralph Waldo Emerson Margaret Fuller
Henry David Thoreau

3 Transcendentalism Is…
Spiritual Philosophical Literary (movement)

4 Basic Assumption Intuition, not reason or religion, is the way in which we can understand the world psyche known as the Oversoul, or God.

5 Basic Premises: An individual is the spiritual center of the universe – an in an individual can be found the clue to nature, history, etc. It is not a rejection of the existence of God, but a preference to explain the world and an individual’s role in the world.

6 Basic Premise, continued
2. All knowledge begins with self-knowledge. (Aristotle’s dictum “Know thyself.”) 3. Nature is symbolic – nature is a living mystery and full of signs.

7 Basic Tenets: Form of idealism
“Transcends” (rises above) lower, animalistic impulses of life & moves from rational to spiritual realm Human soul is part of Oversoul, or Universal Spirit – to which it and other souls return upon death.

8 Basic Tenets: 4. Every individual is to be respected, because all connected. 5. Oversoul can be found everywhere – travel to Holy Lands, etc. not necessary 6. God can be found in both nature and human nature. 7. Jesus had part of God in himself – as do we all. He transcended better than most.

9 Basic Tenets: 8. “Miracle is monster.” Miracles of Bible not as important now as were in past. The whole world is a miracle and all should be rejoiced in. 9. Concern for this life more important than about afterlife. 10. Death should not be feared. It is a return to the Oversoul.

10 Basic Tenets: 11. Emphasis should be on here & now. (“Give me one world at a time.” ~Thoreau) 12. Evil is a negative – merely the absence of good. Light is more powerful than dark because it breaks through darkness. 13. Emphasis on self-reliance. Power is obtained by defeating fate or predestination by exercising one’s own spiritual & moral strength

11 Basic Tenets: 14. Emphasis placed on human thinking.
15. Need great thinkers, writers, leaders, etc. to show what an individual can accomplish through thought & action. 16. Unity of life & universe must be realized. There is a relationship in all things. 17. Reform must not be emphasized. True reform comes from within.

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