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RIVERS!!! Water flows down hill… why?

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Presentation on theme: "RIVERS!!! Water flows down hill… why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 RIVERS!!! Water flows down hill… why?

2 Watershed = the area of land where all of the water on or under it drains into the same place.

3 This would be another watershed

4 Major rivers and all of their TRIBUTARIES define a “Watershed” You will also hear the term “River Basin”, but we’ll use Watershed These terms mean the same thing

5 YOU SHOULD KNOW THESE RIVERS ON THE MAP Red River Sabine Trinity Brazos Colorado San Antonio Rio Grande

6 Lets draw Texas & 7 rivers you need to know


8 Tributaries Tributaries are the creeks and smaller rivers that feed into a major river. We could talk about a single tributary watershed too, but they are a part of the larger overall river watershed.


10 Austin area watersheds

11 Quick write: Write these questions and answer them – use your neighbor if you need to. What is a watershed? What is a tributary?

12 Austin tries to let you know where you are… and when you could be polluting a creek!

13 Mississippi watershed

14 Amazon watershed

15 Stream order – keeps track of a rivers size

16 Mississippi watershed
At the end the Mighty Mississippi Is a 10th order River, only the Amazon is bigger.

17 Rivers MOVE slowly over years.
Or sometimes quickly if there is a storm flood

18 Fast water carries dirt, slow water drops it.

19 Two curves cut toward each other


21 Quick write/Pair Share
1) Draw this river. Then Draw how it might look years later, how might it look? 2) I would suggest you NOT build your house here Why?

22 Stream flow Rivers can have SPEED and VOLUME, and the flow is mostly measured in terms of “stream flow” Stream flow is normally expressed as CUBIC FEET PER SECOND.

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