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Istituto Tecnico Commerciale S. Satta

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1 Istituto Tecnico Commerciale S. Satta
Nuoro (Sardinia)

2 Access Realisation of a optional Parental Control in matter of web sites and social networks, based on age targets.

3 Right to respect for private and family life, and data protection
Creation of a collaboration between UE and social networks administrators to create a specific control in matter of contents published by underage users.

4 Freedom of expression and information
Creation of curricular and extra-curricular courses in matter of “get informations from internet” and online freedom of expression, for students and parents.

5 Education and digital literacy
Creation of curricular and extra-curricular courses in matter of “the right way to use internet” and digital rights, for students and parents. Provide explainations about risks on the digital environment during the informatics subject in elementary middle schools and high schools. Create a collaboration with private organisations in this area of expertise to offer a voluntary educational workshop about internet risks and digital rights.

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